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one only Taylors TOBS Cream which one ?

I find myself without a single taylors cream in my rotation, and I want only one, which one would be the pick ?
Hard question... I have the following TOBS creams:

St James
Mr Taylor

If I had to pick one, it would be the St James hands down. Lovely top notch cream with an outstanding scent. The Rose and Almond would be a close second.
I would hate to narrow it down to only one....it so much fun to rotate through the whole line. Throw a couple T&H scents into the mix, and you've reached shaving nirvana.
Avocado is a top notch performer and has a great mild clean scent. Rose has an incredible scent, makes a wonderful lather, and is very soothing.
I think i will go the avocado cream, as I already have an AOS sandalwood, and I decided on the lavender soap from TOBS, thanks for the input guys . .
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