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Once mixed, how long do you keep your Barbicide?

The instructions on Barbicide state to change the solution every day, but it seems a little ridiculous to do so, if I only soak one razor for, say, ten minutes or so.

How long can one keep the solution in a sealed jar without problems?


I got moves like Jagger
I only use barbicide on newly acquired razors (new or used), so the small bit I mix up gets dumped afterwards.


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once every couple weeks... i generally only use on newly acquired used razors, brush handles etc. i dip it for a few minutes, then pull it out.

there are some times i'll whip up a new batch for my container and it will sit for a month without getting used, so in this case, i just go off memory and change it after a couple razors have been cleaned.

every so often, if i'm putting a razor away for a while, i'll dip it in, but usually i just use it for used stuff i buy.
I use Clippercide instead. Spray it on. Keep it wet for 10 min. Let it air dry. It comes in an aerosol can so no mixing and no waste. Also good for lubricating clippers and keeping the blades cool.

I have a vintage Barbicide container and my barber gave me some barbicide concentrate. I have had it for about a year and have not changed it. I figure as little as I use it I should be good.
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