I know this is really a matter of preference type of question but I figured I would ask anyways. I'm looking to add another brush to my den and I have a few already but mostly badgers which I really like to use badgers with my creams. I prefer to use boar for my hard soaps. that said lately I have been really liking soaps much more than creams....IDK maybe my tastes are maturing so to speak as I become more experienced. So here's my million dollar question I have it narrowed down to 3 boar brushes all of which are Semogue boars the models are the 1305 which I really like the look as well as the dimensions it carries . the other two are the 620 and 830 which to me still newish mind seem kind of similar but the 830 is a bit more than the other two. the downside from my perspective on both the 620 and 830 would be the handle size as both seem a bit small for my hand as I prefer a bit larger handle akin to the 1305. that said maybe there is something about the 620 and 830 I am missing and I don't want to make a mistake in my upcoming purchase. thanks for any input !!!!