Anyone Use This Brush?? or comparable I Bought one for $11 Shipped curious what to expect.
Just want to clarify, this brush ought to be much smaller than a Omega Pro.
The Omega Pro has a 27mm knot, this brush has a 22mm knot. While they might look similar, I have to believe this brush is quite a bit smaller than an Omega Pro.
Omega Pro:
Ht: 128 mm Loft: 65 mm Base: 63 mm Knot: 27 mm
This Brush:
Ht: 98 mm Loft: 50 mm Base: 48 mm Knot: 22 mm
Seems to be a much smaller brush all around.
That said, I have one of the smaller Omega boars, and it is simply a wonderful brush. It's the brush I use on most days.