Omega 6190 100% badger shaving brush These things just get better and better!
Jun 7, 2012 #1 Alejandro1969 Omega 6190 100% badger shaving brush These things just get better and better! Attachments $17776627112767.jpg 35 KB · Views: 91 Last edited: Jun 8, 2012
Jun 7, 2012 #2 rxonmymind Coming very close to womens brushes imo. Not enough there to differentiate between a womans powder brush and regular mens shaving. But it's only an opinion. However, I do agree with you it's pretty.
Coming very close to womens brushes imo. Not enough there to differentiate between a womans powder brush and regular mens shaving. But it's only an opinion. However, I do agree with you it's pretty.