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Omega 10049 or 31064?

Hi all, looking at "upgrading" from a 10029.
What is the main difference?
As far as I can see it's:
49 bigger overall
31064 "floppier"?
Neither of the differences are necessarily negatives.
Anyone used both?
What can you tell me?
I haven't used the 10049, but I own (and love) the 31064. It's still fairly big (depending on what you're used to) and it's not that floppy. Ends are splitting beautifully on mine.
I use both, the 49 has seen about 35 shaves whereas the 31064 was let out for #7 shave today. Floppier maybe a yes nod toward the 31064 but that doesn't mean it's uncontrollable. Just a different feel. Been using creams but today I tried it with dr harris almond soap in a old spice mug = tons of lather! Good shave! The 49 always does good either creams or soaps also. The 49 is bigger as you note, yes, but then again, it's not too big either! Has a different feel maybe! Enjoy!
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