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Old Type 102a vs. 102b

Great link :thumbup1:

This is the difference in the heads.

I know this is probably not true since the later 102B heads were later production and for cheaper razors but to me the 102B heads just LOOK stronger because of the thickness.
I had one of each when I got my Bull Mastiff handle and I chose to use the later thicker head just because it had a more aggressive look to it.
Thanks, does one have a serial # and the other does not?

I've looked over my Old Types and I have Old Types (gold plated) that don't have serial numbers and are 102A heads. Probably left over stock. I get the sense from reading that Gillette would sweep up the floor and put razors together out of the pan. :ohmy:

Anyone know WHY Gillette went to the trouble to retool for the Old Type head in 1921 and create the 102B??
Since the Old Type was being relegated to bottom of the line "giveaway razor" why spend the money and effort to change the thickness of the head?
Anyone know WHY Gillette went to the trouble to retool for the Old Type head in 1921 and create the 102B??
Since the Old Type was being relegated to bottom of the line "giveaway razor" why spend the money and effort to change the thickness of the head?

I don't think it require much if any retooling, they'd just use thicker stock to make the head.
I don't think it require much if any retooling, they'd just use thicker stock to make the head.

My calipers are out in the garage but just comparing it to a New Improved head, the caps look the same thinkness. Maybe they had excess of Old Type handles and used the New Improved stock to make the heads?

My calipers are out in the garage but just comparing it to a New Improved head, the caps look the same thinkness. Maybe they had excess of Old Type handles and used the New Improved stock to make the heads?


Maybe a 102B head is a New Improved cap and an Old Type guard ...or something in between? I have never seen a New Improved so this is just me guessing.
The New Improveds were all Premium razor, mostly long stemmed except for the Tuckaway, The 102b Old Types filled the nitch of Budget razor until they were replaced by the common Bar handle NEW which itself was replace as the entry level budget razor by the Tech.
The NEWs came out when Gillette abandon the 3 hole blade for the center bar and the NEW and the Tech Share the same cap except for the last model Techs which don't have center bars in the cap.
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