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Old style aftershaves.

Reading a on line newspaper article about "heritage" aftershaves and how they are making a comeback and 1 uk chainstore who stocks perfumes were quoted as "we have a lot of young people now who want to smell like thier parents did and love anything retro and this includes aftershaves and scents brut is our biggest seller along with old spice and we are now looking to re stock denim and blue stratos and would like to see hi karate being produced once more though one aftershave we will never stock is tabac which smells like cheap alcohol and ciggarettes and we cant let our youth of today go round smelling of this stuff".
Reading a on line newspaper article about "heritage" aftershaves and how they are making a comeback and 1 uk chainstore who stocks perfumes were quoted as "we have a lot of young people now who want to smell like thier parents did and love anything retro and this includes aftershaves and scents brut is our biggest seller along with old spice and we are now looking to re stock denim and blue stratos and would like to see hi karate being produced once more though one aftershave we will never stock is tabac which smells like cheap alcohol and ciggarettes and we cant let our youth of today go round smelling of this stuff".

That's great! Let's hope P&G gives their Old Spice AS a chance at making it big once again by reverting back to glass/clipper with the "true" original formula. Nice to hear retro is coming into vogue where AS in concerned. (I was retro when retro wasn't cool).
Love Old Spice (have several varieties) & Brut (wearing it today). Funny thing tho, I get compliments on those two, but when I wear Tabac to work, It never fails to garner positive response. go figure.
So, in the United Kingdom old formula aftershaves are making a comeback. I wonder if the same is true in the U.S.?
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