I have in front of me 3 bottles.One is the Family Dollar version of OS by Vijon ,one is a bottle of the current P&G Old Spice Classic in the plastic bottle,the other a bottle of Old Spice Original by Shulton from India (thank you,WCS)
Sniffing them from the bottle,according to my senses.The Vijon Spice and P&G Old Spice Classic smell almost identical.The Vijon of course just a bit more spicier than the OS Classic.The Shulton Old Spice?WOW!Much more spicier and robust!Now,I recieved the bottle of Shulton OS from WCS on Wednesday and I had already shaved that day.But I wanted to leave the Shulton OS for last and decided to use the Vijon OS after my shave Thursday morning.After applying it,which was at 7AM after my shave,I noticed that by 10am,the scent was still there,but not over powering.By the time I was heading home,which was at 6pm,I was unable to detect it anymore.Friday morning ,I finished off my shave this time with the P&G OS Classic.By the end of the day,the results were almost like the Vijon brand,only I could just barely still detect it.This morning ,I used the Shulton OS Original after my shave at 9 am (I was off so I slept in a bit today) and the scent stayed with me pretty much all day,but not like an overpowering scent,but the scent was very much still there until I took my shower at 6pm.So,from what I can remember,yes,the OS from India smells exactly like the old school formula that was sold here in glass bottles here in the U.S.Nice and spicy,and longer lasting.The Vijon and the current P&G OS did not last as long,are less spicier,and they smell more of alcohol than the Shulton OS.
Now again,this is just a YMMV.But I can confirm the OS from India smells like the old formula.
My only disappointment was I wasnt expecting such a small bottle when the Shulton OS arrived.
I have in front of me 3 bottles.One is the Family Dollar version of OS by Vijon ,one is a bottle of the current P&G Old Spice Classic in the plastic bottle,the other a bottle of Old Spice Original by Shulton from India (thank you,WCS)
Sniffing them from the bottle,according to my senses.The Vijon Spice and P&G Old Spice Classic smell almost identical.The Vijon of course just a bit more spicier than the OS Classic.The Shulton Old Spice?WOW!Much more spicier and robust!Now,I recieved the bottle of Shulton OS from WCS on Wednesday and I had already shaved that day.But I wanted to leave the Shulton OS for last and decided to use the Vijon OS after my shave Thursday morning.After applying it,which was at 7AM after my shave,I noticed that by 10am,the scent was still there,but not over powering.By the time I was heading home,which was at 6pm,I was unable to detect it anymore.Friday morning ,I finished off my shave this time with the P&G OS Classic.By the end of the day,the results were almost like the Vijon brand,only I could just barely still detect it.This morning ,I used the Shulton OS Original after my shave at 9 am (I was off so I slept in a bit today) and the scent stayed with me pretty much all day,but not like an overpowering scent,but the scent was very much still there until I took my shower at 6pm.So,from what I can remember,yes,the OS from India smells exactly like the old school formula that was sold here in glass bottles here in the U.S.Nice and spicy,and longer lasting.The Vijon and the current P&G OS did not last as long,are less spicier,and they smell more of alcohol than the Shulton OS.
Now again,this is just a YMMV.But I can confirm the OS from India smells like the old formula.
My only disappointment was I wasnt expecting such a small bottle when the Shulton OS arrived.