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Old Spice Shaving Soap - Quality

Over the past 2 years, I have been on a mission to experience most "top shelf" hard shaving soaps. Though there are a couple remaining to try, the one soap that has always intrigued me (that I need to try) has been the discontinued Old Spice shaving soap.

Though there appears to be a love for the nostaglia behind this American classic, I am curious to know where Old Spice would rank against the likes of today's premium shaving soaps?

Any comments would be greatly appreciated...


For the price it fetches on the bay you would expect it to be a top performer

A top performer or a very good soap that is becoming exceedingly rare? I'm not willing to shell out the high amount of money for one but I have never heard a complaint other than the loss of scent. Always on the lookout.
I just picked a NOS puck and mug up about a month ago and it performs amazingly (snagged it at a Rossland, B.C. antique store of all places). The scent has faded a bit but man-o-man is the lather ever nice! Check out the reviews section for more comments.
I just picked a NOS puck and mug up about a month ago and it performs amazingly (snagged it at a Rossland, B.C. antique store of all places). The scent has faded a bit but man-o-man is the lather ever nice! Check out the reviews section for more comments.

Nice grab Dave!
I agree with Thunderball, I managed to get a cheap one off the *bay, complete with an Old Spice Mug.

No great smell to the soap but it lathers as well as the best of my soaps and better than a few more modern ones

Plus it looks "kewl" on the bathroom shelf
Honestly I put this stuff about on par with Tabac, and that's to say it's good stuff.

Given the fact that you can get a replacement puck of Tabac for roughly half of what you'll shell out on Ebay for what will probably be an unscented OS puck, is it worth it? Yes, if you want to fork out for the nostalgia factor.

I was willing to pay extra for the nostalgia. No regrets, but I don't think I'll make a habit of it.

I'll try Aged Spice from Mama Bear, but what I'd really like is an OS scented tallow soap.
I'll try Aged Spice from Mama Bear, but what I'd really like is an OS scented tallow soap.

I'll second that. The only Old Spice scented soaps I've heard great things about are the MB and HoneyBee. A tallow would be great. Krissy???
I used OS years ago and don't recall it being a bad soap....I also don't seem to recall it being a great soap either, but back when I was a kid, I wasn't rating my shaves.
I would love to try original old spice soap but I agree with the sentiments of some of the folks posting here - I won't pay $25 plus shipping which is the standard going rate on the bay for this stuff right now. Too many good soaps with great scents in that price point.

Perhaps that means I'll forever miss the boat on this stuff if it's only going to increase in value. Perhaps I'll score a puck for five bucks an an antique store some day........
I used OS soap exclusively for about 30 years....I used up my last cake about 3+ years ago before I realized I was shaving with gold.

I would put OS very much in the category of Tabac...excellent rich lather with a vastly better scent than Tabac.

As much as I liked Old Spice soap, I would never pay the going rate for it on the Bay.
I've got a puck of the Old Spice that I shave with sparingly. I would agree that it is at least as good as Tabac.
This probably has the richest and creamiest lather I've tried. I have two pucks and like with Yardley's I use them on special occasions.
Pretty sad to think that P&G could bring back something like this, charge ten to fifteen bucks a puck and we'd be doing back-flips.
Thanks for the comments.

Considering some of the positive feedback, I am going to ask Santa if he has any new/old stock that may be available for Christmas.

For my son, of course... :biggrin:
Every time I go into a drugstore I ALWAYS look around in the shaving supplies to see if there is a dust old box of Old Spice hanging around.

Quite a number of years ago a local drugstore when out of business and I bought their complete stock of OS soap for a song. Lasted me many years, and sadly I never even knew it was discontinued until it was way way too late.

If P&G brought it back they would like screw it up.
I still have some I purchased back in the late 70's that I use now and then. It is good, but not great. But I'm not a big Tabac fan either.
Thanks for the comments.

Considering some of the positive feedback, I am going to ask Santa if he has any new/old stock that may be available for Christmas.

For my son, of course... :biggrin:

Well, in the Sears catalog Santa can snag the mug and soap for a dollar and a quarter...interesting that the ad copy estimates that a cake will last for nine months of normal use.
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