Ha ha ha tricked you.I made a shave stick out of old spice deodorant.Spellbound woods is the scent.
Details are pretty simple. 1.Twist deodorant all the way up and snap it off.2.To get the remainder out twist the base down and microwave it for about 10 seconds then pour out the liquid.3.Rinse and wash container. 4.melt glycerin soap in separate container and then pour into old spice tube.As long as you heat it just enough to melt the soap it wont hurt the container.5. refridgerate till hard and enjoy.
First of all thanks for the information.
I have a few questions.
The soap doesn't stick to the plastic?
Also when you say refrigerate do you mean the freezer?
I want to try this with VDH soap and a Dove plastic deodorant stick container.
I nominate this thread for "Biggest VSSAD-tease Ever".