Not sure if you'll get the champion. I beleive it was a limited edition here in the UK as part of the Olympic games. I got a bottle from Boots the Chemist but is wasnt cheap at all.
I don't think either are in current production. I've seen Whitewater for sale on eBay but nowhere else. Googling it doesn't really bring up a definitive answer, however. Champion appears to only be available as a body wash or body spray. In fact, on their site, Old Spice only lists its "Classic" as an aftershave.
I purchased a bottle of the whitewater a few months ago on eBay. It came from Hungary I believe and it wasn't cheap either. I think I paid 20 shipped, I figure for a one time thing I've gotten my moneys worth.
I purchased my OS Champion aftershave and Whitewater EDT from UK ebay sellers a while back.
Both came in glass bottles, shown below.
I couldn't find any Champion aftershave currently being offered on the bay, but there is some being offered on Amazon UK here. I'm not sure if they offer shipping to the US.
There is some Champion offered here at a high price.
There are a few listings for Whitewater aftershave here, here, and here.
Whitewater is still readily avalible in the UK, not sure about Champion though. The Champion Bodyspray is still about and I bought a couple of cans when they where on half price special offer in a local supermarket a couple of months back. Can't say I was particuarly impressed by the scent.