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Old shaving article

"The world of shavers is divided into three classes: the ordinary shaver, the safety shaver, and the extraordinary-safety shaver, who buys each safety razor as soon as it is invented and is never so happy as when about to try a new one. To a shaver of this class, cost is immaterial."

That right there made me laugh. Except now a days there is a new class of shaver. The gotta shave with everything that has been invented group.LOL!
That was really a fun read, thanks for posting it. Men back in his day were wanting to try the latest and greatest shaving gear shows that nothing is any different today than it was back then. There really is nothing new under the sun, or in human nature.

And he referenced the inspiration for one of my all time favorite series of books, The Dark Tower series by Stephen King.

"Truly it is worth while to grow a beard—for the sake of shaving it off. Not such a beard as one might starch and curl—but the beginnings—an obfuscation of the chin, cheeks, and upper lip—a horror of unseemly growth—a landscape of the face comparable to

that ominous tract which, all agree,

Hides the Dark Tower
in Browning's grim poem of 'Childe Roland.' "


My elbows leak
Staff member
Best line in the article? -

"He buys them secretly, lest his wife justly accuse him of extravagance, and practises cunning in getting rid of them afterward; for to a conscientious gentleman throwing away a razor is a responsible matter."
"'Poh! If a man is to be intimidated by the possible contemplation of his own blood—let him grow whiskers.'"

This quote made me smile thinking of other noobs who post their concern about nicking themselves. :biggrin1:

Great read. Thank you for sharing it with us. :thumbup:

Best line in the article? -

"He buys them secretly, lest his wife justly accuse him of extravagance, and practises cunning in getting rid of them afterward; for to a conscientious gentleman throwing away a razor is a responsible matter."

I loved that line. At a certain point in time, I tried to intercept our mail lady, but even when I did, my wife somehow knew. I've since gave up, the boxes are fewer anyways.

Truly, the line between them and us is straight and taut.

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