Man, check out that old permanent wave machine in the background! Looks like something you'd find in Dr. Frankenstein's lab!! Very cool, but you'd never get me hooked up to that thing in a million years.
All of the following photos were found on the website of the US Library of Congress.
12 year old barber
Army barber. US campaign against Villa. 1916
Philadelphia barber shop. 1896
Army barber. Camp Alger, Va. 1898
Barber in Vincent's barber shop on West Eighth Street, New York. 1943
Oscar J. Freeman, barber. Metropolitan Barber Shop, Chicago. 1942
Palmer House Barber Shop, Chicago
Barber in front of his shop, omaha, Nebraska. 1938
French trench barber
Signal Corps Barber
Hotel de Gink -- barber
Gimme the works. Washington, D.C., Dec. 30, 1936. Although he was elected to the United States Senate for only 60 Days--election day until January 4--Guy Howard of Minnesota, is taking full advantage of the many gratuities accorded members of the upper house of Congress. After using the Congressional stationary telegrams and mailing copies of the Congressional record to his many friends yesterday, Senator Howard was at the Senate Barber Shop bright and early today to get the works: haircut, shave, shampoo and massage. He was elected to fill the seat vacated by the death of Senator Thomas Schall. After January 4th, Senator Howard will be succeeded by Senator Elmer Benson
On the morning of October 25, 1957, Anastasia entered the barber shop of the Park Sheraton Hotel (now the Park Central Hotel, on 56th Street and 7th Avenue) in New York City. Anastasia's bodyguard parked the car in an underground garage and then, most conveniently, decided to take a little stroll. As Anastasia relaxed in the barber chair, two men scarves covering their faces rushed in, shoved the barber out of the way, and fired at Anastasia. After the first volley of bullets, Anastasia allegedly lunged at his killers. However, the stunned Anastasia had actually attacked the gunmen's reflections in the wall mirror of the barber shop. The gunmen continued firing and Albert Anastasia finally fell to the floor, dead.The Anastasia murder remains officially unsolved. It is widely believed that the contract was given to Joe Profaci, who passed it on to "Crazy Joe" Gallo from Brooklyn, who then performed the hit with one of his brothers.