A customer of mine came into the barber shop with a couple razors that had been his father's. He sold them to me since he knew I collected razors and would find value in them and care for them.
One is an old Dovo 80 Facharbeit with a gold wash in nice condition. This razor had been part of a seven day set. I have the Saturday razor. Sure wish I knew where the other six are.
Anyhew, he also handed me a small wood box, mahogany I think, with a dovetailed slide-top lid. Inside was something wrapped in a leather chamois. As I unwrapped it my heart jumped into my throat when I saw what it was. The gentleman's father had been in the Philippines right after WWII, he thinks.
The numbers along the spines translate to 1794. I'm still trying to find someone to translate the kanji on the blade. I have e-mail the pics to Tamahagane Honsha in Japan hoping someone can read and translate for me.
If anyone here reads Japanese kanji, feel free.
Anyway, on to the pics.

Anyway, I thought the kamisori fans would like to see it.
One is an old Dovo 80 Facharbeit with a gold wash in nice condition. This razor had been part of a seven day set. I have the Saturday razor. Sure wish I knew where the other six are.
Anyhew, he also handed me a small wood box, mahogany I think, with a dovetailed slide-top lid. Inside was something wrapped in a leather chamois. As I unwrapped it my heart jumped into my throat when I saw what it was. The gentleman's father had been in the Philippines right after WWII, he thinks.
The numbers along the spines translate to 1794. I'm still trying to find someone to translate the kanji on the blade. I have e-mail the pics to Tamahagane Honsha in Japan hoping someone can read and translate for me.
If anyone here reads Japanese kanji, feel free.
Anyway, on to the pics.

Anyway, I thought the kamisori fans would like to see it.