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okay first DE shave and man my face is burning off!

all right guys i did it and man this sucks right now my face is burning off.. I did everything i normal do to get ready to shave.. and i lather up nice and took small strokes and i dont know, I use the personna lab blue blade.. I didnt pressed down hard, went with the grain and one pass.. but i dont know what i did wrong but I did something because i my face has never felt like this before shaving with the regular razors.. so what do i do now??? how do i get it to stop burning??? i know this is my first time and ive got to get it down but man my face is super sensitive and cant take this.. i will most likely get some bad razor bumps.. but do you hold the razor straight up and down or at an angle when your shaving??? could it be the blades..should i try the derby or wilkerson next time.. or possible the crappy sally safety razor.. my super speed should be here in the next couple of days.. but i really need some advice on how to shave with one of these.. because i know once i get it it will be great.. thanks
What razor was it ?
Did you softened the beard before shaving ? (Like shower)
Did you used pressure ? I mean, did you used the same pressure as you do with a 'regular Razor' ?
What's the brand of your soap ?

Welcome aboard fella, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
If your razor is adjustable, put it on the lowest setting. DE shaving takes almost no pressure...just the weight of the head of the razor and gravity should do it.

If you got razor burn (as described) you are using too much pressure and possibly passing over one spot multiple times. Everyone usually gets a little their first time around the chin or under the nose but if your whole face is burning it's got to be more than that.

I'm sure it's your technique. Definitely don't shave with a DE like you would with a cartridge.
Lots of factors to consider, the good ppl here should help you out a lot though they did me. It gets better trust me, I remember when I was getting back into safety razors my face looked like a burn victim rofl.

It sounds to me, but I am no expert, that you either used a product that doesn't agree with your skin, or you used too much pressure. It could also be an angle thing. Have you watched the tutorial vids? If not, I strongly suggest that you do.

give your face a break, and do some research before going again.
Blade angle. If you are shaving with the cutting edge being perpendicular to your face (the handle is parallel to your face) you would walk away with the condition you described. You can do this with a multi-blade but not a DE. When shaving with a DE, the cutting edge should be near parallel to your face ( 30 degrees off parallel is typical). I think this is your problem.
Blade angle. If you are shaving with the cutting edge being perpendicular to your face (the handle is parallel to your face) you would walk away with the condition you described. You can do this with a multi-blade but not a DE. When shaving with a DE, the cutting edge should be near parallel to your face ( 30 degrees off parallel is typical). I think this is your problem.
It's gonna take a while to get technique down, I'm still learning myself. Just fine tune things... post shave follow up with a cold rinse and alum bar then your favorite aftershave should have a lot less stinging.

Remember just let the blade glide, DE shaving is all about reduction in passes.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I also got that from my too poky tweezerman brush, compounded by a allergy to the orange shaving soap.
There's a lot of great advice here. If you have just switched from cartridges, then it'll take time to unlearn cartridge shaving and learn how to shave with a safety razor. That's simply something that can be corrected by paying constant attention. Remember, practically NO pressure is how to resolve most of the issues.

One of the best pieces of advice I saw above was the tutorial videos. Visit Mantic59's page on the YouTubes, there is a ton of great information in those videos, I still find useful information in them.

Someone mentioned something about possibly having a reaction to the soap. What soap are you using right now? Razor? What is your prep? If you shave after a hot shower that should make things easier for you.
Look at the shape of a plastic cartridge razor. Now look at the shape of a DE razor. You can see that the cartridge job is designed to be held with the handle nearly parallel to your skin. Not so the DE; it's shaped like a hoe so that the handle should really be closer to perpendicular to your skin. If you've been using a cartridge razor for a while, you have to learn the proper angle - that is how to hold the razor - all over again, and that can take time; I know it did for me. Hold the handle at 90 degrees so that it doesn't shave at all, and then take a stroke slowly moving the handle toward your skin until the blade just begins to cut your beard: that's about the right angle. Relearning the proper angle can take a while.

For now, take a break!
Sounds like an allergy almost with razor burn on top. Perhaps consider some creams that are made for sensitive skin or are paraben free. I started using paraben free cream and it feels much better to my sensitive skin. I'm sure everyone here will recommend something different but try out taylor of old bond street. Mr Taylor
Id also like to input that some blades will just feel bad on your skin for me mpst blades are OK but sharks make me feel razor burned even though I perform my next shave with a feathers blade and get irratation free bbs.
You may have an allergy to something in the soap.

head to the grocery or pharmacy and get a bottle of Nivea sensitive after shave balm.

This stuff will calm the "fires of hell" razor burn. It won't solve your problem but your face will feel better until you figure out what your problem is.

i took a hot shower used conditioner on my area htat im about to shave.. i did buy a new cream the real shaving cream, but i used to use gels.. i think i might have put to much pressure.. i only shaved a couple of spots like twice.. when i re shaved an area i re lathered.. how do you know when the angle is right on the razor?? face is still on fire today not as bad but i still feel it, any other advice.. how long will the burn last.. so should i try my other blades i have derby extra and wilkerson..
after my shower i use williams soap and lather my face with that really good then i lather up the real shaving cream and put on, i soak my brush in hot water and razor too, i did notice that the cream didnt lather up very well.. put on face and shaved.. i prob put to much pressure and angle.. but man ive never had burn this bad... i use a superspeed clone from sallys, and personna lab blue blade.. i have a actual gillette flair tip super speed that should be here the next time i shave.. HOw long should i wait unit my next shave??? i can prob wait 4 days but thats it.. my job requires a nice clean shave.. but man im sort of scared to try it again.. i was just now getting my technique down with the other razors.. but thanks everyone for the advice
You might want to try using cold water instead of hot.

Using hot water opens your pores.

If you want a warm shave, use warm not hot water. You should be able to put your hands comfortably into the water. If you can't your water is too hot.
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