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oh no, no more Twinkies ! or Hostess goes downhll


Fridays are Fishtastic!
That headline cannot be serious- "...as US becomes more health-conscious". I got a good chuckle out of that.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
For those expecting to see a hostess going downhill ... this will show that things aren't going downhill after all ...

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That headline cannot be serious- "...as US becomes more health-conscious". I got a good chuckle out of that.

Me, too. Love the line:

"With one third of adults in the U.S. being medically obese, as well as 17 per cent of children, the public mood has turned against high-fat, sugary foods like those made by Hostess."

Really? Funny--I haven't heard that Burger King, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Coca Cola, Dunkin Donuts and KFC are facing bankruptcy or that sales of triple bacon cheeseburgers, burritos, bacon McMuffins and 2-liter soda bottles are dropping dramatically anywhere.



Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Most fans of "Yes, Minister" will remember Bernard's "irregular verbs" ... along the lines of I'm steadfast in my views, you are stubborn and he's pig-headed ...

... so you need to remember that Americans tend to view the obesity epidemic in light of a similar irregular verb: I'm beefy, you're big-boned, and he's morbidly obese.
Me, too. Love the line:

"With one third of adults in the U.S. being medically obese, as well as 17 per cent of children, the public mood has turned against high-fat, sugary foods like those made by Hostess."

Really? Funny--I haven't heard that Burger King, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Coca Cola, Dunkin Donuts and KFC are facing bankruptcy or that sales of triple bacon cheeseburgers, burritos, bacon McMuffins and 2-liter soda bottles are dropping dramatically anywhere.

No, but they are pushing the healthier alternatives like apples and juices. Hostess has no nutritionally redeeming products in their lineup at all.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Me, too. Love the line:

"With one third of adults in the U.S. being medically obese, as well as 17 per cent of children, the public mood has turned against high-fat, sugary foods like those made by Hostess."

Really? Funny--I haven't heard that Burger King, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Coca Cola, Dunkin Donuts and KFC are facing bankruptcy or that sales of triple bacon cheeseburgers, burritos, bacon McMuffins and 2-liter soda bottles are dropping dramatically anywhere.

your post made me think of something- a triple bacon cheesburger burrito. Now I am hungry.
The twinkies of 30 years ago were really pretty good, but the ones made today are pretty bad, not as much filling,.. and of course smaller. :thumbdown
The twinkies of 30 years ago were really pretty good, but the ones made today are pretty bad, not as much filling,.. and of course smaller. :thumbdown

Sorry to break this trade secret to you, but the Twinkies of 30 years ago are the exact same ones you're eating today...other than shrinkage (which you've noticed), these things have a shelf life longer than Plutonium. :w00t:
Never really cared for twinkes, moon pies, or soft drinks.

I am definetly not a junk food junkie. When I look at the cost of that stuff I cringe. You can buy good steak, standing rib roast, shrimp or lobster for the same or less per pound than most junk food, especially if you consider the smaller single serving packages, the large family size are bad also.

My drinks of choice are water, hot black coffee, or unsweetened iced tea. This time of year I may fix some hot tomato juice with a shot of hot sauce and worchestire , late evenings my big indulgence is a good scotch, neat.
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Fridays are Fishtastic!
Not to hijack, but the Dr Pepper Snapple group just shut down Dublin Dr. Pepper. Who are they? The Dr Pepper plant in Dublin, TX is the oldest still operating Dr. Pepper plant in the US. They still use the cane sugar recipe. It tastes worlds above the crap they put out now. Dr Pepper claims they will keep up production, but I am doubtful. Cane sugar costs more- they will scrap it soon. At least we still have a Coke plant that uses Coke's original recipe. Of course, it will probably go next.
I don't think they sell twinkies in Canada or at least I've never seen any around. I had some of their cupcakes before those disappeared as well which were pretty good though...
I don't think they sell twinkies in Canada or at least I've never seen any around. I had some of their cupcakes before those disappeared as well which were pretty good though...

Just another example of why U.S. foreign aid is misdirected.

It would be money well spent if the U.S. sent Twinkies, Ring Dings, and Devil Dogs to Canada.

This would do wonders in strengthening our close and dear friendship with our friend up north.
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