Okay so when I Started Wet shaving the only razor and Blade I had acess to was a Gillette Tech (which is to mild for my tastes) and Walmart Wilkinson Sword Blades. The wilkinson swords blades work for my face but not the best. Then I Ordered a Merkur 1904 safety bar razor and seeing how all the razor blade sampler packs I saw didnt have all the blades I wanted to try I made my own sampler pack. I ended up ordering a pack of Astra SPs, Nacet Platinums, Derbys, and Lord Platinums. I tried the Astra SP First after hearing so many people say how good they where and at the Start I did think they where realy good but after I while I started to not like them becasue from the start they gave me realy close shaves but I got some irritation that I thought I could deal with but I was wrong. After using one Astra blade( I have used more than one if anyone was wondering) I went on to try the Nacet platinum that I have which are NOS. The Nacets where horrible I used one blade and after the first shave I put it in the blade bank. Next was the controversial Derbys. The Derby blades didnt give me irritation but the shave was not as close as the Astra blades. So Next was the LORD Platinum class blade which out of the blades I had at the time was the best. The Lord Platinum blade shaved close with little to no Irritation everytime I shaved. The Lord PLatinum blade Is among my favorite blades at the moment.
Next I started to Order Other blades to try out. I ordered 7 o clock yellows and blues and Astra SS blades as well as Shark Super Stainless blades and Shark Super Chrome Blades for shark week and I ordered some Lord Super Chromes and Lord Superior Stainless blades. Now to save everyone some reading Im going to skip to the Lord made blades. During Shark Week I used one of the Shark Super Chromes and I found them quite sharp but a little rough. Overall I will be using them again but I dont think I will be ordering more of them. I have yet to try the Shark Super Stainless. Now for the Lord Super Chrome blades which I think is a similar sharpness to the Shark Super Chrome but the Lord SC was smoother than the Shark one.
Now for my Favorite Blade I have ever used. The Lord Super Stainless Blade! This Blade is Smooth and the perfect Sharpness for my face. I now have (walks up stairs to go count how many Lord Super Stainless blades I have) 102 un used razor blades In my medicine cabinet and 1 Blade in my New(well new to me that is I bought it on the B/S/T) Lord L6 which I plan on using the next time I shave. I have gotten shaves that where very close to BBS with no Irritation.
So who elses favorite blade is a Lord Blade?
Next I started to Order Other blades to try out. I ordered 7 o clock yellows and blues and Astra SS blades as well as Shark Super Stainless blades and Shark Super Chrome Blades for shark week and I ordered some Lord Super Chromes and Lord Superior Stainless blades. Now to save everyone some reading Im going to skip to the Lord made blades. During Shark Week I used one of the Shark Super Chromes and I found them quite sharp but a little rough. Overall I will be using them again but I dont think I will be ordering more of them. I have yet to try the Shark Super Stainless. Now for the Lord Super Chrome blades which I think is a similar sharpness to the Shark Super Chrome but the Lord SC was smoother than the Shark one.
Now for my Favorite Blade I have ever used. The Lord Super Stainless Blade! This Blade is Smooth and the perfect Sharpness for my face. I now have (walks up stairs to go count how many Lord Super Stainless blades I have) 102 un used razor blades In my medicine cabinet and 1 Blade in my New(well new to me that is I bought it on the B/S/T) Lord L6 which I plan on using the next time I shave. I have gotten shaves that where very close to BBS with no Irritation.
So who elses favorite blade is a Lord Blade?