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Ogallala Bay Rum

I am officially a Bay Rum kind-of-guy. Thank you to Captain's Choice, I am hooked. I just purchased some Ogallala Bay Rum from West Coast. It should arrive by Tuesday. I am all giddy to give this one a try. Any thoughts, Men? I could bath in Bay Rum. Laughing.

I am officially a Bay Rum kind-of-guy. Thank you to Captain's Choice, I am hooked. I just purchased some Ogallala Bay Rum from West Coast. It should arrive by Tuesday. I am all giddy to give this one a try. Any thoughts, Men? I could bath in Bay Rum. Laughing.


i bought the Ogallala sample set from WCS. good deal. I PIF'd 3 away as sample gifts to spread the love. good stuff. be sure to shake it well before every use. oils stick together.
and feel free to add a clove if u like to adjust the smell.
I have both AS and EdC regular strength. I like the smell and the way it performs. There's a nice burn with the AS that fades quickly. As mentioned above, shake well. The bottles look awesome as well.
G'mornin' all! I've been using OBR for about 6 years or so. Guess I really like it. I've tested others and given them away. I even carry a small spray bottle for refreshers during the day! This is the scent I remember from going to the barbershop over 50 years ago. Keep on enjoying!!
I could bath in Bay Rum.

I know the feeling. My whole aftershave rotation is bay rum:

Captain's Choice BR
Captain's Choice Cat O Nine Tails
Ogallala BR. (I love the clove scent)
Ogallala BR, Sage & Cedar (mostly cedar)
Ogallala BR, Limes & Peppercorn (not a fan of lime scents and probably won't replace)
Ogallala BR & Sandalwood. (The strongest & longest lasting of the Ogallalas. I cut it with the regular BR or witch hazel to tone it down)
Ogallala Cologne (not very strong. I use as an aftershave sometimes)
Ogallala Double Strength Cologne (also not very strong or long lasting but better than the regular)
Superior 70 (Cheap, but good. A plain bay rum scent with a high alcohol content)
I know the feeling. My whole aftershave rotation is bay rum:

Captain's Choice BR
Captain's Choice Cat O Nine Tails
Ogallala BR. (I love the clove scent)
Ogallala BR, Sage & Cedar (mostly cedar)
Ogallala BR, Limes & Peppercorn (not a fan of lime scents and probably won't replace)
Ogallala BR & Sandalwood. (The strongest & longest lasting of the Ogallalas. I cut it with the regular BR or witch hazel to tone it down)
Ogallala Cologne (not very strong. I use as an aftershave sometimes)
Ogallala Double Strength Cologne (also not very strong or long lasting but better than the regular)
Superior 70 (Cheap, but good. A plain bay rum scent with a high alcohol content)

Sounds like mine if you remove the Superior and add Clubman and Master's. Except as one of the chosen, I am required to use the Veg on occasion!:001_rolle
Being new to aftershaves I bought the Ogallala bonanza sample pack with Bay Rum, BR Limes and Peppercorns, BR Sage and Cedar, BR and sandalwood, and BR cologne. I had my wife smell them to see which ones she liked before I even started. She didn't like the Bay Rum cologne or aftershave, but the other three got a thumbs up. I really like the Sandalwood and Sage & Cedar, and the Limes and Peppercorns is growing on me. I DO have a question though. I read that a lot of people say it burns pretty good but each time I've used it I get no burn whatsoever. Maybe I'm just getting a decent shave and not irritating my skins kin enough to get it to burn (which I'm perfectly fine with!). I definately see a big bottle of the sandalwood in the near future!
I've had Pinaud bay Rum for years but never used it much as I thought it was too strong, and a bit spicy. Then recently I started to rediscover it.....not bad! But I got curious and that lead me to salley's beauty Supply and Master's bay Rum. Now you're talkin' ! Lighter, sweeter and just all around nice. But I don't stop there. Suddenly I am into Bay rum. Some research leads me to Ogallala. First off it was the cheapest price of anything else I came across outside a drugstore. But the reviews were good. So I order some cologne. Now I am seriously hooked. No turning back now. I am a Bay Rum luvin' fool!! And Ogallala is it. I find that I sniff myself all day. (I didn't say that out loud did I?)
mmmm....Ogallala Bay Rummmmm

I love the stuff. A great, long lasting scent and excellent skin conditioning. It's definitely one of my favorites.
I love bay rum! Ogallala is a nice one. I particularly enjoy their limes and peppercorns. Their bay rum is on the sweeter side of the spectrum, IMO. The only advice I can give is to shake Ogallala very well. VERY well. I personally use a paint mixer for it before I use.
So which is the overall winner, Ogallala or Captains Choice?

I have an old Bruts Bees Bay Rum that burns like a m..........Watch u mouth! Just tak'n 'bout Shaft.
So which is the overall winner, Ogallala or Captains Choice?

I have an old Bruts Bees Bay Rum that burns like a m..........Watch u mouth! Just tak'n 'bout Shaft.

That's akin to "which do you like best, your left eye or your right eye." Impossible to answer!
Ogallala Bay Rum, Sage & Cedar and their sandalwood great scents and affordable. Started with bonanza sample pack and found these two that are now in rotation forever.
Ogallala and Captains choice are both very good. I used Captains Choice Cat O Nine Tails bay Rum this morning and it smells very nice. IMO a bit of a "different" Bay Rum but a real nice scent.
Everyone's skin type and makeup is different so again it's a YMMV. Some have said that the scent lasts a long time for them, for me it doesn't which as a bummer because it smells so good. I put it on at 9 and by 9:30 I could barely smell it on my hands. But I really like this scent. I took the little sample bottle with me to work and I keep going back for splashes. Well.. two splashes actually as it's only a sample bottle.

Ogallala makes a Bay Rum cologne and that lasts a a few hours. Not very long but I can still smell it on myself or in my shirt throughout the day. However Ogallala's aftershave doesn't last all that long either. Longer than CC but not very long. A couple of hours. But the Ogallala mixes such as Limes and Peppercorn aftershave from seem to last even less. The sandlewood and Bay Rum lasts the longest on me. I have the Special Reserve from Ogallala which is a great scent although I don't really smell any difference in strength between it and the regular stuff.
I also didn't notice a difference between Captains Choice Bay Rum and Cat O Nine Tails. But that's just me...I'm not an expert.

Captains Choice feels good on my face and doesn't burn much. Just a slight sting. Ogallala's mixed aftershaves like Sandlewood or Limes and Peppercorn or the Sage and Cedar go on nice also and are soothing with no burn at all (for me). However the regular Ogallala Bay Rum aftershave is like acid!! That stuff is fire man!! but I love the burn. Like Clubman!!

Both Captains and Ogallala are good choices and it's a balancing act to choose just one. For me, I need a lasting scent. Others are more concerned with how it feels or treats the skin. I need the scent. Long lasting scent. I really wish Captains Choice would put out a cologne. The stuff smells really nice. It's sort of dark and smokey.
I love Emanon's post, with detailed impressions! For real.
Yet my impressions are at variance on most every point.

Captain's Choice seems to last much longer on me than Ogallala. The Ogallala cologne has a weaker, shorter-lived scent on me than the AS splashes do. The CC is a bit more complex, less "sweet" than the Ogallala original. We're talking about comparing great products here... I like both. My least favorite of the "flavored" Ogallalas is the Sandalwood Bay Rum. I like Sandalwood, just not this mix so much. I like the Sage and Cedar and the Lime & Peppercorns bay rums quite a bit.

I like Captain's Choice more, in terms of scent and in terms of face feel, both. I can see rotating for variety, though, for sure, since they're both so good. If I have a rougher shave, Krampert's is my choice for the most "healing" bay rum splash. It is definitely more clovey, for better or worse.

I'll put in a plug for The Shave Den's signature aftershave, too, which is a very nice bay rum with some bergamot. That stuff ends up feeling slightly more "glyceriney". Not as much as Master's by any means, but moving in that direction.

I don't know if I was avoiding a (mis)perceived hype train or what, but I was resistant to the Captain's Choice at first. Forum brother ShaverJoe sent me a sample.... and everything changed. It's a magic trick, that stuff. It makes no sense how good it is.
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