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Ogallala Bay Rum & Sandalwood AS

I was perusing through aftershaves to buy and I came across this on WCS. It was only 10 bucks so I pulled the trigger. I hear good things about Ogallala Bay Rum, but has anyone tried the bay rum and sandalwood AS? If so how do you like it?

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Love it. But I like the Extra Strong bay rum better.

Be sure to get the old timey bottle with the glass stopper, too. Major cool factor.
I started with a 1 oz sample of their BR & Sandalwood. Liked it so much I ordered the 2 oz Bonanza pack. I then ordered 8oz bottles of BR, limes & peppercorn and BR, sage & cedar directly from Ogallala. The only reason I held off ordering 8oz of BR was because I already had 2 bottles of Captains Choice BR. The BR & Sandalwood I probably use the least as it is the longest lasting scent of the 4. I generally don't like aftershaves that hang around too long. My wife and daughter like the BR/Sandalwood the best and my daughter had me order a bottle of it for her husband. All 4 all leave your face feeling really nice.

Be sure to shake it well. If you see any floaters when you pour, you didn't shake it enough.
I have all the Ogallala scents from their sample pack. I am not a huge fan, I think their BR smells really clove like. None of the scents really stand out to me past the clove.
I bought the 16 oz Bay Rum and received the 2 oz sample of BR and Sandalwood. It is a very sweet smelling aftershave. I use it, but dilute it about 50% with the plain Bay Rum. The scent lasts for several hours (which I like). The pure BR & Sandalwood smells a bit like a cookie, or root beer. It works very well on my wife when she shaves her legs. I love it and am thinking about buying a bottle of the BR and Sandalwood to keep around.
I love the bay rum and sandalwood. As noted above, it's kind of sweet, and more sandalwood than bay rum, but I think it's great. And I especially love the way it leaves my skin feeling. Enjoy!
I bought some on a whim and haven't really warmed up to it. I think coachschaller is pretty close in his description....cookies/root beer. I pick up something like cinnamon as well. It's all warm spices and no woodsy scent at all to my nose (could be the bay rum kicking in here...afterall, it is a Bay Rum and Sandalwood mix). It is indeed a strong, long lasting scent. I'm a fan of the more cologne-ish sandalwoods (i.e. TH or TOBS) but I don't think the Ogallala version is my cup of tea.
Thanks guys. Can't wait for this to come in! I'm a fan of bay rum, and sandalwood, so I figure I couldn't go wrong here.
I love bay rum but it sucks that I can't use any of the aftershaves :(. I have really dry skin and alcohol just does not work well for me. Too bad there arent any aftershave balms.
I got the bonanza pack and at first I hated it. It took about a month before I warmed up to it and now its my favorite. I also really like the bay rum lime and peppercorn scent.
I love bay rum but it sucks that I can't use any of the aftershaves :(. I have really dry skin and alcohol just does not work well for me. Too bad there arent any aftershave balms.

If you are looking for a great bay rum aftershave balm, check out Gilbert Henry Bay Rum ASB. It is alcohol free, smells great, and really soothes and eliminates redness. It burns a little going on, but in a good way, but the burn doesn't last long. It absorbs amazingly fast. The scent does not last that long, so you can use it with other scents once it has died down. Now if you are looking for a sandalwood scented balm, I don't know of any.
This is the very first I've heard of Gilbert Henry -- I'll totally look into that one! I really like Bay Rums in general, with some clear preferences among those I've tried. I will say that... as far as soothing and eliminating redness, I think Krampert's is astounding. Like, really astounding. It's not my favorite Bay Rum scent so far (and I have only used a few), but it's certainly really nice. And easily the best post-shave ... it is about halfway between a splash and a balm. That is, it's liquid for sure, but acts like a balm and gets rubbed in and absorbed like a very "fast" balm. Incredible stuff.

That said, my favorite scent for a splash, so far, is Em's. Unfortunately the scent lasts for about 5 minutes. Which is often the case for the less clovey bay rums.
Give the Gilbert Henry a try; I don't think you'll be disappointed. It has even cleared up some chronic redness on my neck, dating from before I started using a DE razor, that nothing else would remove.
I tried this when at Cochschaller's place. I really liked the scent but it came ot be too sweet for me through the day, it lasted and lasted when i hoped it would die down.
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