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Ogallala Bay Rum, Limes, and Peppercorns

OK, so I got in my sample of Ogallala Bay Rums yesterday. Was looking forward to the Limes & Peppercorms scent the most, since it's almost summertime in Florida. The sun finally sets, and I am ready to shave (i shave in the evenings to relax and since my redbeard is so faint, no one notices the next day). Shave goes great, time for the AS.

A couple splashes in my hand... rubs hands... pat to face.
NOTHING. Almost like putting on my witchhaz...

HOLY CRAP!!!!!! :eek: God that burns!!!!! :bayrum2: Why are my lips tingling!!! What is going on here???

This lasts for what seems like a full 2 minutes.

Now, I'm all for a nice alcohol burn as soon as I touch my face a la Home Alone, but to have to wait for the burn and for it to come out of nowhere like that makes me think that this isn't a normal alcohol burn.

Is this because of the peppercorn oils? It sure is spicy.

I think i like it, and I love the scent, but that is going to take some getting used to!
Og is loaded with yummy frag oils which separate easily. Therefore, it must be shaken very VERY well before every use.
Og is loaded with yummy frag oils which separate easily. Therefore, it must be shaken very VERY well before every use.


I usually don't have a problem with any alcohol burn. A shake or 2 and drizzle on the hands. Pat on the face and honestly it doesnt give much burn. Perhaps its because I use whichazel before most times.

Regardless. Limes and peppercorns is one of my favs!
I shake it for about 30 seconds. (At least the 'sample sized' ones.)

Burn is minimal.

And IMHO - if an aftershave burns that badly, you should look at your technique. Unless you were going for a BBS, and thus did four passes + touchup with blade buffing and whatnot, you shouldn't get much of a burn.
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