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Odd Super Speed ? Pics For Comparison.

Here i have 2 Super Speeds, I know the one on the Left is a 1947 Super Speed No Notch. But the Super Speed on the right is the odd ball. I looks more like an all silver Black Tip Then a Super Speed.

The TTO is the same as the black Tip except its not a Plastic TTO Its all Metal and Most Likely Brass as Both Super Speeds Pictured weighed in at an even 54 Grams on my Scale.

The question Is What is the one on the Right? A Super Speed? or a Silver Tip Super Speed Just like the Black Tip

What has me confused is the TTO of the one on the right, because it looks just like a black tip but all Metal, Also i looked for it in mr-razor site and didnt see it :eek:/


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If I'm seeing it right, the W-2 date code makes it a 1951 Super Speed. The grooved (not knurled) TTO has me puzzled.
I read somewhere about all of the variations of the black tip and remember reading about the "steel handle" one being rather rare. I believe (maybe the same source) that I read that this was the only time EVER that Gillette used steel for a part in a DE razor. I can't remember where I read that though. I may not be remembering that correctly though. Somehow, I also had it in my head that the tips were brass, but painted black.... not nickel plated. This tip is apparently plated.

The TTO is Even With the handle of the Razor In Width size, as appose to the Regular 50's or 40's Super Speed Where the TTO is Wider Then the Handle? or is it my eyes ?

Also looks like this is the Correct Case for the )Odd/Rare TTO Super Speed Silver Tip ?
Man i am glad i found the link to this thread!:thumbup: I think the controversy is settled "it´s a black tip SS with a metal knob"
Good pick-up there Vargas. And it's a nice confirmation that it's also a W-2, like all the others of these that we've seen so far.
No, No, No :eek:/

It"s a SUPER SPEED SILVER TIP. Its in a leauge of its own with that Metal TTO knob :eek:)

What are you talking about.... I've seen thousands of "Super Speed Silver Tips" sell on the bay :biggrin1:. Along with a bunch of "Fatboy Techs", "Old Styles", and "Super Adjustable Red Tips".

Congrats Vargas. I had heard of this but never seen one till now........Thanks.
Thanks Tom. I had it for a while now but never gave it any thought, but yesterday as i walked by it i took a better look at it, and decided to look for it on mr-razor site and could not find any pictures of a Super Speed with a solid plated tip that looked just like the plastic tip of a Black tip. So i decided to post it up and see what kind of feedback i get from it, and like always, Everyone was more then helpful :eek:)
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