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Observation Splash vs. Balm vs. Pimples


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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I currently use both(Proraso Balm and Mandom/Bravas) and I never thought I would use an AS Splash with alcohol one day. The thing is, I kinda like the splash. Yes, it stings sometimes but not all the time. The balm is a safe choice for that, never sting.

What's better for my skin? Patrick Bateman says that alcohol will dehydrate my skin, so it's no good. However, I did notice when I use a splash, I can get rid of those unwanted pimples quicker. Yes, I still have pimples here and there... I thought it was interesting as when I use Proraso Balm, the pimples stay there for longer. The alcohol seems to dry it and it dies very quickly.

I noticed it because I read in Maxim (Sorry, I don't have the original article) that benzoyl peroxide helps to kill pimples. Well, I tried it when I was a teenager and it was pretty much drying it more than anything else... A bit like the alcohol...

The more I use a splash, the less I want to use a Balm...

Any thoughts?
I still have (very) occasionally some pimples and I find that AS Splash works better than Balm. I used to shave for many years with a twin blade razor and then throw some balm and I think that never helped much with my acne desorders. The moment I started DE shaving and used the first Splash I understood I would not be coming back...
I never thought I would use an AS Splash with alcohol one day. The thing is, I kinda like the splash. Yes, it stings sometimes but not all the time. The balm is a safe choice for that, never sting.

The more I use a splash, the less I want to use a Balm...
I'm discovering the same thing here.
I found just using WH quickened my pimple heal time.

I used nothing but alcohol based A/S for a long time and never had an issue with acne except on my forehead.

I assumed it was because I wore hats, but now I use WH on my entire face and noticed they go away quicker and I seem to get less of them.

I still will use ASB's but I make sure to get the WH on my face first :wink:
i found just using wh quickened my pimple heal time.

I used nothing but alcohol based a/s for a long time and never had an issue with acne except on my forehead.

I assumed it was because i wore hats, but now i use wh on my entire face and noticed they go away quicker and i seem to get less of them.

I still will use asb's but i make sure to get the wh on my face first :wink:

Now that colder weather is here, my face and lips are getting chapped and I reach for a splash less often (sorry, lonely bottle of Speick :frown:). Splashes are great when my skin is oily, but even in the summer I will usually follow up with a balm of some sort.
Splashes are the thing if you have acne. Balms are a bad idea. You want your skin as clean as possible. You DON'T want to leave anything that may clog pores or add oil.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Glad to see that others saw the same things than me... I'll stick to the splashes!
Splashes are the thing if you have acne. Balms are a bad idea. You want your skin as clean as possible. You DON'T want to leave anything that may clog pores or add oil.

Hmmmmm...so if I splash my whole face, it could stay clear? :confused::w00t:

I don't want to be the guy whose scent stays in the elevator for an hour after leaving it, but if it works...
Hmmmmm...so if I splash my whole face, it could stay clear? :confused::w00t:

I don't want to be the guy whose scent stays in the elevator for an hour after leaving it, but if it works...

My hairline gets greasy, so yes, when I use a splash it generally goes on my whole face...never saw a reason why only the beard area should get the skin goodies.
I use a splash most of the time since I have oily skin. I will use WH and then a balm if I've irritated my face or my skin feels dry.

- Peter
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