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Obama releases birth certificate

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Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
And he is, drumroll...................

An American :lol:

So the birthers look like yokels. Is there anyone who really thought that a candidate for the presidency of the United States would not have been checked out by the FBI, CIA, NSA, and a host of other bureaus? Still, I find his resistance to releasing the information somewhat distasteful. Rather than put this to bed ages ago, this issue was allowed to drag on for years to score political points.

I recall having to present my birth certificate when I applied for a NYS driver's license in 1972. If I stood on a soapbox and bemoaned that my rights were being violated, I can assure you of two things-
  1. nobody would have listened
  2. I would have walked out without a license
Despite having already proven my provenance, I had to do this again when I applied for a New Jersey license a decade later. I found no shame in either of these events, so what was the big deal here?
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It's very simple. because crackpots make claims does that mean you have to give in to their demands? Where will it stop? proof of your religion? proof you never told a lie? The demands are limitless.
In Florida you have to have a birth Cert. SS card and 2 forms of proof of address to get a Driver license. Apparently after 911 the government doesn't trust the State of Florida ability to responsibly hand out Id cards. And that also includes renewal of license you currently hold in Florida.
a) The birth certificate never mattered to me
b) Don't you think as the president you could have whatever documents you wanted created for you without question?

Hell, I'm not the president (that I know of) and I'm pretty sure I could pull this off.
Still, I find his resistance to releasing the information somewhat distasteful. Rather than put this to bed ages ago, this issue was allowed to drag on for years to score political points.

I understand his reluctance to release the long-form birth certificate. He provided documentation that would have sufficed, even in the minds of conspiracy theory nitwits, for a white guy named Barry O'Brien born on the same day in the same place. The fact that he was even being asked to release a document that absolutely no one born in Hawaii is required to use for any purpose, and that the state does not generally release, was a racist insult he was entitled to ignore.

Still, I'm glad he released it, because I'm happy to see birthers look like the idiots (at best) they are. They can thank Trump for torpedoing them.

And by the way, when I request a copy of my kids' birth certificates, I don't get the long form. I get a certificate that looks a lot like the one Obama released back in 2007. That certificate is good for absolutely everything, and absolutely no one claims they weren't born here.
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It's not the heat, it's the humidity.
It's not the hate, it's the stupidity.

Sorry, but this statement seems very insensitive and distasteful.

If it were 'much ado about nothing' then why did it take Obama over 3 years to produce it? There must be an underlying reason for him not to have wanted people to see it. At least that's the thinking of many very educated and smart Americans. Now that he has produced it, it's not over and the issue won't be put to rest. You can be sure that document will be scrutinized very closely.

Every other candidate who has ran for the presidency of this country has had to provide verifiable proof of citizenship by birth. Why shouldn't he?


I wanna be sedated!
In Florida you have to have a birth Cert. SS card and 2 forms of proof of address to get a Driver license. Apparently after 911 the government doesn't trust the State of Florida ability to responsibly hand out Id cards. And that also includes renewal of license you currently hold in Florida.

MO requires the same documentation. But now that I have a new license I should not have to do it again.
I understand his reluctance to release the long-form birth certificate. He provided documentation that would have sufficed, even in the minds of conspiracy theory nitwits, for a white guy named Barry O'Brien born on the same day in the same place. The fact that he was even being asked to release a document that absolutely no one born in Hawaii is required to use for any purpose, and that the state does not generally release, was a racist insult he was entitled to ignore.

Still, I'm glad he released it, because I'm happy to see birthers look like the idiots (at best) they are. They can thank Trump for torpedoing them.

And buy the way, when I request a copy of my kids' birth certificates, I don't get the long form. I get a certificate that looks a lot like the one Obama released back in 2007. That certificate is good for absolutely everything, and absolutely no one claims they weren't born here.

Race had absolutely nothing to with it. Federal policy did.

This is the type of hate mongering, fear-speech that the left is spewing to make anyone with their own thoughts on this subject look like racist morons. The president of this country, above all else, should not be above reproach.
This will end well, I'm sure. :bored:

I don't think this will accomplish anything. Conspiracy theories are almost impervious to facts. Believe something hard enough, and eventually even contrary evidence will convince the believer their theory is true. It's called cognitive dissonance; have a look at "When Prophecy Fails" by Leon Festinger.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Sorry, but this statement seems very insensitive and distasteful.

If it were 'much ado about nothing' then why did it take Obama over 3 years to produce it? There must be an underlying reason for him not to have wanted people to see it. At least that's the thinking of many very educated and smart Americans. Now that he has produced it, it's not over and the issue won't be put to rest. You can be sure that document will be scrutinized very closely.

Every other candidate who has ran for the presidency of this country has had to provide verifiable proof of citizenship by birth. Why shouldn't he?

Why? I agree with you. Why was it such a big deal to release an official document that's part of the public record? If it was "beneath the dignity of the office" to ask for it, then certainly using it as fodder for conspiracy theorists would be, as well.
The birthers *are* yokels. I can list twenty other legitimate reasons that Obama is the worst president in our history. But, good for him, glad this is behind him.

As I've said all along, the birthers were dead wrong and would be proven so, and I'm as die hard conservative as anyone. What I was wrong about (and I still don't understand why PBO did this) was that he would keep his legit BC secret in order to make birthers look stupid. Frankly it was a rallying point for his own supporters that birthers were total dumbasses...which they were. Just don't see why he showed it...now the birther movement will disperse and actual issues be discussed (hopefully, for the love of all that is Holy).

Just saying, if I were PBO I would've held on to it and let the idiot birthers squirm.

Now hopefully this is over with, and he can really focus on fixing the country's problems! I hold little faith he'll do anything to improve our situation, though.
because a lot of people in this country don't trust people with names like "Hussein".. because, you know, they're all terrorists..
Race had absolutely nothing to with it. Federal policy did.

This is the type of hate mongering, fear-speech that the left is spewing to make anyone with their own thoughts on this subject look like racist morons. The president of this country, above all else, should not be above reproach.

No, he shouldn't. And he isn't. But there's a reason no other candidate has been subject to this much scrutiny about his place of birth. I think I know what that reason is. We'll just have to agree to disagree on the reason. But not on whether Obama was born in the U.S. He was.

Just don't see why he showed it...now the birther movement will disperse and actual issues be discussed (hopefully, for the love of all that is Holy).

Just saying, if I were PBO I would've held on to it and let the idiot birthers squirm.

I don't think his prior decision not to release the long-form certificate was driven by a desire to score political points, but we can agree to disagree on that as well. Ultimately, I think that Trump has such name recognition and publicity that the issue finally went beyond annoyance to real distraction, so Obama released the long-form certificate. (Ideally, he did it far enough in advance of the season finale of Trump's show to put a dent in the ratings! :tongue_sm)
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