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O.G. Prep

I wrote this to introduce a prep step that may help others for there quest for a one pass shave.

Back Story:
I had not shaved for over three and a half weeks becuase I've never grown a beard and my son was 3 months old at the time and sleep is like trading in futures commodities everybody is a guessing. So at one point I started to miss shaving and looking neat. So on Sunday of that week I cut my hair, and then a shaved my beard with the clippers to get the hair off. During that time I planned to do Kyles Prep. After I finished my full cut. I disenfected myself with Pinaud Clubman on my face and hair line. The clippers left a small amount of stuble so on to the hot towell and a nicely stropped TI OakWing G. What I discovered was that in one pass I had an awesome shave, like really awesome.

I wanted to duplicate the results but did not have time for the towell so I showered, dried my face off, and then with a sanek strip with clubman aftershave I wiped my face down. I used Mitchells Wool Fat, then stropped my razor 20 linen, 40 leather. I shaved in one passed and wow. Try it see if you notice a difference.
I speculate its due to the -OH (Alcohol) drying the hair, and then the caustic soap rapidly absorbing into the hair and raising it up a little.

Try it! Does it help you efforts to due a smooth one pass? Have you done it before? If you have did you like the results or did you dislike the results, and why?

All in all I hope it helps those who are pressed for time but still want to use a straight. This allowed my to up my shave quality, and it was not bad before at all. I just stubled on it.

Take Care
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I usually am pretty minimal with prep: shower, lather, cold water rinse, relather then shave. Acceptable results and gets better and better as my technique gets better. I will try an aftershave pre-shave and let you know how it goes.
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