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Noxzema Lather Shave Cream?

That's the shave cream I used when I first started shaving........in 1965.:lol:
And my father used it for years before that.
It's great. If it was available today, I'd buy it. Lathers easily, good cushion. The slickness could be a little better but the skin care is excellent.
I don't know about the tube you've got, but the ones I used to use smelled like......wait for it......Noxzema.
I haven't tried this one in a few years. As I recall, the tube is no longer in production. I believe it was last produced a few years ago.

In any event, I loved this product. It is very cool and soothing - too cool for some.
I haven't tried this one in a few years. As I recall, the tube is no longer in production. I believe it was last produced a few years ago.

In any event, I loved this product. It is very cool and soothing - too cool for some.

Yep. Unfortunately it was discontinued before I got off the canned goo and back to proper shaving.
It is great stuff. As mentioned before, it's discontinued, so I use mine rather sparingly, but man is it great stuff.

Also, it's great stuff.

And just in case I forgot to mention it, it's great stuff.
I picked up a NOS tube last year from Chimensch, who found a couple on the shelves of an Italian pharmacy. It lathers great and performs very well, but I am a bit torn over it. After all, it smells like Noxzema, and, well, I have a little problem with that. That said, I disliked the smell of proraso at first, and convinced myself otherwise in the name of a good shave.
I picked up a NOS tube last year from Chimensch, who found a couple on the shelves of an Italian pharmacy. It lathers great and performs very well, but I am a bit torn over it. After all, it smells like Noxzema, and, well, I have a little problem with that. That said, I disliked the smell of proraso at first, and convinced myself otherwise in the name of a good shave.

This cream was once produced in the U.S. and it was a favorite of mine for years. I used to put the tube in warm water to warm it up and the lather it produced was great. And then, it was no longer produced. A few years ago I was in Rome and needed some shaving cream. I went to a pharmacy and bought a tube of Noxema. I should have bought more. :001_rolle What surprised me were the number of creams that were available: Palmolive, Proraso (in a number of different formulations), Gillette, and Old Spice come to mind. All of them at one time were available at retail stores in the U.S.
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Ingrams shave cream is very similar to Noxema, though it comes out a bit runny from the tube it is very good stuff and has the same "healthy" mentholated Noxema fragrance quality.
Boy, does this thread bring back memories... I, too, started my wetshaving life back in the mid-70's with good old Noxzema cream. I loved it then, and wish it were back in production now.

Consider that tube a mini time capsule: put on some 70's classic rock, get out a nice vintage Gillette, and go to town!
Boy would I like to find some of it. Too bad all of the old time tube favorites are gone, Old Spice, Noxzema, Colgate, Gillette... from the American marketplace. As far as I'm concerned it's a reflection of how we here are in too much of a hurry to enjoy life. One might say it's also a reflection of our laziness but let me not get off on one of my "things were better/different then" tirades. You know, I'm beginning to sound a lot like my Dad.

Anyway, I feel a few more shaving dollars leaving my pocket in seach of a few tubes of these.

I've never met anyone else who uses this, but for 30 years I've used plain old Noxzema cleansing cream for shaving. Yup, the original stuff in the squat blue jar:


I discovered the virtues of Noxzema quite by accident. One day I had no shave soap and no shaving cream. I noticed the jar of this stuff sitting there, gave a why-not shrug, and started rubbing it on.

What's so great about it? Well, it contains several oils that lubricate the face so well that it works even for several passes. It doesn't dry quickly, like an aerosol shave cream does. It moisturizes the skin during the shave. And (this was the most serendipitous discovery) the menthol is so strong, it acts as a mild anesthetic to relieve the sting of minor nicks and scrapes.

  1. Wet the face with hot water.
  2. Spread a small dollop of Noxzema around on your face — not too much. (Note: it doesn't foam or lather.)
  3. Shave as usual. You might have to rinse the razor more often, because the cream is thicker than most shave soaps.
Ingrams shave cream is very similar to Noxema, though it comes out a bit runny from the tube it is very good stuff and has the same "healthy" mentholated Noxema fragrance quality.
Ingram has the closest to the noxzema scent.I suppose that's why it has a somehow similar tube...
Grabbed a vintage jar of noxzemA brushless and shaved with it several days. Nice camphor menthol scent and great face feel.
A bit messy and cloggy in the razor. Interesting change of pace but not an everyday cream.

finally found a tube of the early Noxzema lather shave cream, which has much of the nice scent and moisture of the brushless, but the lather and protection are great.
plus rinses easily.

$noxzema lather rubberset schulze friday aqua velva penhaligon lords november 13 2015.jpg
If you want to duplicate this experience but take it up a notch in the menthol department may I suggest the following: Apply Proraso Green Pre-shave after the shower to a wet face, use Caties Bubbles Mile High Menthol shaving soap (it is a French style soft soap) followed up with your favorite mentholated aftershave. (Proraso, Myrsol Antesol, etc.)

If you want to go nuclear: try applying an ice cube to wet your face after a warm shower, apply the Proraso Pre, use Cryogen shaving soap with cold water, rinse brush, razor with cold water, "rinse" face in between passes with ice cube followed up by Cryogen Aftershave then 444 balm.
If you want to duplicate this experience but take it up a notch in the menthol department may I suggest the following: Apply Proraso Green Pre-shave after the shower to a wet face, use Caties Bubbles Mile High Menthol shaving soap (it is a French style soft soap) followed up with your favorite mentholated aftershave. (Proraso, Myrsol Antesol, etc.)

If you want to go nuclear: try applying an ice cube to wet your face after a warm shower, apply the Proraso Pre, use Cryogen shaving soap with cold water, rinse brush, razor with cold water, "rinse" face in between passes with ice cube followed up by Cryogen Aftershave then 444 balm.

Ha! I'm not quite an over-the-top cryo shaver (yet)!
However, I have been known to enjoy my Aqua Velva frozen!

$aqua velva on ice-D8C_1760.jpg
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