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Noxema, I Think I Love You.

Because of the strong smell my wife has "banning" me from using it, will be heading over to Walmart tomorrow see if I can find some of the Black African Shaving Soap
I'm not understanding the process of applying Noxema and then adding lather on top of the Noxema. This seem superfluous. Why not apply Noxema and then shave?
I switched to the African Black Soap creme because of the smell of Noxzema. Both work just as well as the other, for me.
I'm not understanding the process of applying Noxema and then adding lather on top of the Noxema. This seem superfluous. Why not apply Noxema and then shave?

Noxzema would work just find as a shave cream. I just enjoy using with a brush, making nice lather, exfoliating my skin. It all adds to the relaxation I get from shaving.
I picked up a tub of Noxzema today at lunch and just used it tonight when I was shaving my head. I was quite happy with the results. Can't wait to try it in the AM!
Noxzema is first and foremost a moisturizing cleaner, so it cleans your skin while adding some moisture too. It also happens to do a great job of softening up your whiskers as well. All 3 of these qualities make it a great pre shave for some and that's why it goes under the lather. And strictly speaking, yes it's pretty slick and makes a fine brushless cream as well. The lather on top can be seen as superfluous if you like but for a lot of guys it's a combination of enjoying the process and getting some extra protection and/or moisturizing with the lather.

For me personally the eucalyptus is just a scent I've long associated with a good shave and I love it. And I don't find that the scent lingers at all. As ever...YMMV...:a8:
Noxzema is first and foremost a moisturizing cleaner, so it cleans your skin while adding some moisture too. It also happens to do a great job of softening up your whiskers as well. All 3 of these qualities make it a great pre shave for some and that's why it goes under the lather. And strictly speaking, yes it's pretty slick and makes a fine brushless cream as well. The lather on top can be seen as superfluous if you like but for a lot of guys it's a combination of enjoying the process and getting some extra protection and/or moisturizing with the lather.

For me personally the eucalyptus is just a scent I've long associated with a good shave and I love it. And I don't find that the scent lingers at all. As ever...YMMV...:a8:
Plus one
I may be alone in this but I've started using Noxzema as both a preshave and as part of the aftershave process. I've found that by doing this I get zero irritation. I do a cold water rinse and then apply the Noxzema. I let it sit while I clean everything up and then wash it off with cold water. Combining this with Nivea aftershave makes my face feel great.
I may be alone in this but I've started using Noxzema as both a preshave and as part of the aftershave process. I've found that by doing this I get zero irritation. I do a cold water rinse and then apply the Noxzema. I let it sit while I clean everything up and then wash it off with cold water. Combining this with Nivea aftershave makes my face feel great.

This is my routine as well, although I only use Nivea occasionally. Usually Thayer's then some AS.

I am a morning shower shaver, unless I'm using a straight that day - which I'm afraid to do in a shower with loose parts hanging out.

I use the Noxzema after soap on my face, applying it before finishing the rest of the shower except the shave. While I'm not especially careful about not washing or wiping the Noxzema off, I have been taking my own baths long enough that I'm hardly clumsy at it. So by the time I'm ready to lather there's usually still Noxzema left.

In my old Mach 3 days I would simply proceed to shaving, but these days I like the lather routine, so I apply lather right on top of whatever Noxzema remains. Then I shave, and after rinsing my face I apply a thin layer of Noxzema as a post shave balm before towel drying.

After drying I rub in any remaining Noxzema, then apply Thayer's before I brush my teeth.

After brushing I apply the day's chosen AS. (Today was Aqua Velva Ice Sport.)

It is well noted that even as a fat old man I have the best complexion in the office, but no small part of that is genetic.

(My family has young heart attacks, and we look awesome in the coffin. What a trade off, huh?)
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I'm a big Noxzema fan and have been shaving with it pretty much exclusively for about the past month. I decided to give it a go as a post-shave, reapplying it after my last pass and letting it sit on my face while I cleaned up my razor, etc. I must say, at least for me it was too much of a good thing.

Even after a thorough warm and cold water rinse, the smell was quite prevalent and to me the residual smell was almost bad. It's like it soaked into my face too much for my tastes or something. My face wound up extremely soft and smooth, but from now on I think I'll pass on it as a post-shave, rinsing it off after my final pass and stopping there. I don't use any kind of aftershave products except some Clubman talc on the sides of my neck where my work shirt collar touches it.

Gotta keep singing the praises, though. I get great, comfortable shaves using this stuff and the skin on my face looks pretty good for as much abuse as it's seen over the years; certainly better than it's looked over the last few years.
Tried a shave with Noxema the other day. Whoa! I remember the scent from when I was a kid, and if I go another 25 years without smelling it I don't think I'll miss it one bit! It is too offensive to my senses so I think I'll just pass it on to my teen boys. Glad it worked for some of you. Might give the African Black soap a try. There seem to be several different ones available though, so I guess I may have to try a few.
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I bought a jar of the African Black Soap last year. I thought it was OK, but I personally prefer Noxzema. However I can certainly see how Noxzema is almost as polarizing as The Veg. The African Black is way more subtle.
Noxzema has found its way back into my daily routine. After trying the African Black Soap for a while, I think the Noxzema performs better at stopping irritation. I'll just have to get over the scent because the benefits are worth it.
Read the whole thread. Great advice! Tried the Noxzema today along with KMF. EJ DE89 with a Feather blade on its fourth, and last shave. Typical WTG, XTG then ATG routine with Noxzema and KMF before each pass. At first I didn't really think there was much benefit, but now that the Nivea ASB has waned, I'm pretty pleased what the Noxzema brought to the shave. Even with a waning-sharpness Feather, a DFS and BBS in some areas I've never felt were at that quality level before. And zero nicks and weepers! Biggest benefit for me was the area between the cheeks and chin-to-neck area. Always had a problem there with the ATG pass...couldn't get those areas very smooth without severely pulling and damaging the skin. Noxzema really helped there. Did find the Noxzema odor a bit overpowering and I coughed a lot during the shave. Think I can get used to it, but wow, I found it pretty strong. Next shave will be with a new Feather and will try a bit more water with the Noxzema. Still working with a blade sample pack and will soon try the Noxzema routine with Gillette Yellows, and Personna Blues (my favorite so far) and Reds. Thanks for all the great advice here! Without question, the past 5 months of DE shaving have provided a challenge, but also much better shaves than the previous 30 years with twin-blade Atras.
Noxzema works just as well if you use a very think layer. The thinner the layer the less overpowering the scent is too. Try it next time and see what you think. Like I said above, Noxzema is back in my lineup, but I have to do a very think layer so the scent doesn't punch me in the nose.
Noxzema works just as well if you use a very think layer. The thinner the layer the less overpowering the scent is too. Try it next time and see what you think. Like I said above, Noxzema is back in my lineup, but I have to do a very think layer so the scent doesn't punch me in the nose.

Plus One It's a wonderful product at an incredible price point.
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