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Now that I have a bevel setter. (Coti)

I have been doing the 20-30 half strokes on each side to try and set the bevel(multiple sets until it is accomplished). Now that I have a choser 1k coming do I go straight to x-strokes on the coti or do I still spend some time taking metal away with half strokes? Thanks.
I will typically set the bevel on the Chos. 1k, then I'll move to the coticule and do either a full Dilucot (using half strokes) or Ellipticot (using circles/ellipses). Either way the transition from 1k to coticule is an easy one...

Once I dilute down to misty slurry I will then do a few sets of light x strokes to finish. I personally almost never finish on water...always misty slurry...YMMV though...
Okay thanks. And thanks also for the pm. That makes sense. Also I will look into the misty slurry finishing. So far I have been doing water. I remember a thread title about that so ill find it and read up.
Hey man, if water is working for you then by all means do that...plenty of people here prefer to finish on water (or even under running water)....

But misty slurry is basically water with a slight tinge of slurry. The best way to make misty slurry from scratch is to wet the top of your coticule, then rub yor slurry stone once or twice on the base stone...I personally find that the edge when finished on misty slurry is a little smoother, but that's just what works for me...others might have better advice.. :)
Yeah it hasn't been working well for me though lol. Got a decent edge but nothing comfortable. Still so new and I think my main problem was in the bevel setting stage. So whether I finished on water or misty slurry I would have been screwed either way.
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