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Noodler's and nib creep

Do all Noodler's inks creep terribly? Maybe "terribly" is too strong a word but I''ll share my current experience-

I have the following pens loaded with the following inks-

Lamy Safari- Noodler's Lexington Gray. Creeps quite a bit, even when stored vertically (nib up).
Lamy Al-Star- Noodler's Black. Creeps quite a bit, even when stored vertically.
TWSBI 540- Noodler's 54th Mass. Creeps some, even when stored vertically.

Lamy Safari- Diamine Oxblood. No nib creep, even when stored horizontally.

The experience with the last pen/ink combo listed leads me to believe it is consequence (property) of the ink, not the pen. I am correct in this assumption. It will take me forever to get through my bottles of Noodler's as I have nearly full bottles of all of the aforementioned Noodler's inks, but I'm not sure I will repurchase given the amount of nib creep I have experienced with each of the inks.

That being said, I guess the creep is only a matter of aesthetics and does not interfere with the actual functioning of the pen.

Thanks for reading my rambling.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
It's the ink. It may not affect the function but it sure bugs the heck out of me.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think that really saturated inks need more surfactants (wetting agents) to allow them to flow. This may be the case with many of Noodler's inks.

I like my ink inside of the pen and on the paper -- that's it.
I have a few bottles of Noodler's and they all creep like mad. I have several bottles of Diamine, and they're all much more well behaved, except that one of them feathers easily. That's for a different thread, though. :smile:

I'm currently using 'black swan in Australian roses' in my Visconti Van Gogh. There's a wee bit of creep right at the end of the nib, but nothing serious. I'm more worried about the fact that when I filled it, it took five mins of vigorous wiping to remove the superfluous ink from the section.
I have the "Australian Roses….." and also see very little nib creep in a Lamy steel nib, but do see it with my other Noodler samples. Haven't seen any of my Diamine inks have nib creeb. But, the 54th Mass and the Black Swann have good water resistance while the Diamine's don't, I'm too much of a newbie to expand much on that. The nib creep hasn't bothered me, but I have been looking at buying a Lamy 2000 and with a covered nib I would hesitate to use Noodler's due to nib creep.
I dont mind the nib creep, I wanted the waterproof/bulletproof attributes. If a little nib creep is the cost then I will take it. I have a couple of Lamys that creep more than others for whatever reason. I guess a black nib would help.....

Off the top of my head... all with Xfeather. .

Lamy Vista, Bad creep
Lamy Al star Bad creep
Sheaffer no nonsense, negligible creep
Pelikan M800 negligible
Noodlers Ebonite, aftermarket nib, some creep but not as bad as the lamy.
A few Vacumatics, some creep
Those are a few off the top of my head, some mine, some my wifes. She really prefers the Xfeather
That's something you'll have to live with when it comes to Noodler's inks. I just keep it in inexpensive pens with converters (so it's easier to clean).
Noodler's ink have a lubricating and cleaning agent in them which results in nib creep. Nothing you can do about it. In pens that are considered "wet" writers it gets really bad.
I have the "Australian Roses….." and also see very little nib creep in a Lamy steel nib, but do see it with my other Noodler samples. Haven't seen any of my Diamine inks have nib creeb. But, the 54th Mass and the Black Swann have good water resistance while the Diamine's don't, I'm too much of a newbie to expand much on that. The nib creep hasn't bothered me, but I have been looking at buying a Lamy 2000 and with a covered nib I would hesitate to use Noodler's due to nib creep.

Dont worry you'll be fine. I use my Lamy 2000 daily and it has been loaded in the past with several different noodlers inks. They all creeped some, some more than others. Right now it is loaded with noodlers 5 o'clock shadow, an ink that is a near copy of MB British Racing Green.
Every Noodlers I've tried (literally a dozen and a half) creeps in every pen I've tried. It's unsightly, but harmless, and Noodlers is basically all I use
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