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Noggle's Experimentation Vol. 1

Hypothesis: A larger bowl will yield a better lather than a smaller bowl will.

Cheap green plastic salsa bowl from HEB (larger bowl):


White ceramic bowl (small bowl):


Conclusion: It would appear that the larger bowl yielded a thicker later than the smaller bowl. Too many untested variables to say for sure but noggle's common sense falls in line with the test. In my book the larger bowl wins! :a14:
Did you give each bowl the same number of rotations of the brush?

If so, the larger bowl will always yield more lather. Since it has a larger circumference, then any given number of rotations of the brush will cover approximately twice as much length of bowl.

I do a majority of my bowl lathering with an up-n-down pumping motion, so I don't think the size of the bowl will have any impact.
I switched to a larger mug and found I was able to create more lather as well. More importantly I am able to create more consistent results with both soap and cream.

I support these anecdotal results :001_rolle
I do a majority of my bowl lathering with an up-n-down pumping motion, so I don't think the size of the bowl will have any impact.

Interesting... so many different techniques to learn and try. I gave them roughly the same amount of time, it just wouldn't be noggle's experiments if I didn't half-*** at least some of it. :001_tt2:
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