Geetings fellow Clown House readers.
I'm taking this opportunity to share with you some thoughts. A little long winded, but please bear with me.
You fellows have no idea how close we came today to losing the Clown House altogether.
Because of posts like the ones in the thread that previously bore the title and which have been identified to the parties involved.
Most of you don't have any idea what they were as they have been deleted by the Mod Team.
The problem is the increasing amount of time necessary to ensure that those sick, racist, sexist, foul language posts get removed.
The need for Mod activity in the Clown House has spiraled out of control.
Most of the folks here are just having a good natured time. Sharing some humor, sharing a few stories and even sharing the odd funny picture.
There are a select group, and not always the same people, who just feel that they have to push the envelope.
Those days are gone.
If the folks who can't keep a sense of decorum, even in the Clown House can't comply - Then they will be gone as well.
The new standard for language will be that I wouldn't mind if my 9 year old Grandson and my sister the Nun reads it.
The new standard for pictures will be that I wouldn't mind if my 9 year old Grandson or my sister the Nun sees it.
If I look at your post, and have to think for even a moment whether or not it is ok - it's gone.
You'll get a PM about it.
Repeated problems in a thread will result in the thread being deleted.
Not closed - deleted. Post counts accumulated in that thread will be lost.
You regular decent folks in here can help with that by reminding new folks just what the rules are here at B&B.
A little peer pressure goes a long way.
The off color posts are done in an attempt to impress people here. Let them know you're not impressed, and let me know someone is being a problem.
Over the course of the next few weeks I will be combining some repetitive threads.
Older, unpopular threads will be closed and fall to the bottom.
I personally feel that the Clown House has a rightful place at B&B - We can't be all about technical shaving specifications. We need a place to goof off a bit, and to just unwind and let our hair down.
Feel free to make new threads, feel free to have fun, this is the Clown House.
Keep it clean and keep it tasteful, this isn't a Road House.
Please PM me if you have questions or issues. I will get back to you, but be patient as I expect a full inbox soon.
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