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Nivea cooling post shave balm


I have two questions about this.

Is it OK to use shave balm straight after washing your face with cold water after the shave? i saw one video a guy recommends using an alum block then putting after shave after that. I don't want to get any infenctions on the fucts of my face (but hopefully I stop cutting myself soon).

Also, has anyone tried this or the replenishing version of this? I wonder how the cooling vs replenishing versions compare.

I chose cooling because I think that would feel nicer.

I have the 'sensitive' and its not that great really. But yeah, I just rinse with cold water and apply. But I recommend Every Man Jack Cooling Gel, as the label says this stuff is, "Cooler than cool" and it smells nice and minty...You can get it at Target.
All kinds of methods and others will weigh in soon. Mine?

Cold water rinse
Aftershave splash
Nivea (or any one of a few other AS "milks")

I currently use the Cooling version as I like the menthol-like kick. I also like the Replenishing version but don't sense much difference between the two in terms of moisturizing.
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I have the cooling balm and enjoy it. I believe it has some alcohol in it and this maybe helps clean any weepers.
It provides a little burn or warming for a couple seconds and then fades to a bit of cooling.
I enjoy it but it might not be for everyone. But then I also like to follow up some shaves w/ Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum AS :bayrum2:
I really love this stuff. It's one of my favorites, and find that I use it more than the much more expensive (by 5 times) Trumper Skin Food.
I use and love the replenishing balm. It feels great going on after a rinse and leaves no greasy-ness afterwards, and my skin feels moisturized all day.
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