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nicer planner

I'm looking for a nice leather planner with a replaceable calendar and a section to take notes, etc. I would also want it to be nice enough paper to use a fountain pen on. My wife has a photography business that she runs in her spare time, and this would be for her to use when scheduling appointments for shoots and things like that. I want to find something like this for her birthday, which is at the beginning of October. Any ideas?
Have you considered the ARC system at Staples? It is a Levenger Circa-like system that allows the addition/replacement/repositioning of the pages. They offer a calender as well as lined paper. It is easy to mix and match. The ARC paper is FPF and they do offer a punch if you want to use your own paper.

I've seen people post cool systems but can't remember the name, and I don't use planners, but I think I remeber who had the link, lemme see what I can dig up
I would second the ARC system. They come in 2 different sizes and has lots of options. I was very surprised how well the FP worked on the paper. It was very smooth.
Franklin-Convey has a large selection of planners. I have used one of them for years. The paper does work with a fountain pen as well. Not really a planner, but Mitchell leather has a filed notes cover that might work if you could find a calendar that you like that would fit. I am sure the Mitchell cover is much nicer than Franklin's options.
first i would find the planner that your really liked and then i would find the binder...i enjoy planner pad....and then i use a dodge binder that i got years ago...perfect match...i know planner pads sells binders too...

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