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Next DE to buy?

Hey all,
I have a Gillette bluetip that I started with and then I got the EJ de89lbl. I have used a few blades over the times but always came back to feathers as the only one that could do any real damage to my thick beard (even when out of the shower and prepped with proper lathering and shave oil). I can't seem to get a good result around the chin area and am beginning to wonder if the razor is aggressive enough. Also I swap out my blade every 2 uses.

I was wondering where do these two razors I have stand relative to each other and what is the next best step if I'm looking to get a razor? Should I consider an adjustable? I'm pretty cost oriented so something that gives a good bang for the buck is what I would like. I care about quality of shave and am not interested in paying too much extra for a little more finesse.

Thanks for reading.
I started with an EJ DE89, so I know what you mean about the razor not being quite aggressive enough. I'd suggest either a Merkur 34c, which I found to be just a little more aggressive but a better shaver, or a vintage Slim. With an adjustable, you can slowly work your way up the dial and find the right aggressiveness level for you. Slims are usually somewhat cheaper than Fatboys, so you can save a few bucks but still get a great vintage razor.

Another vote for the slim adjustable. Great bang for the buck, and it shaves great. It gives a better shave than the fatboy, IMO. A Gillette new OC might be something else to experiment with. Supposedly it is milder, but I get a better shave with it than most of my other razors.

Also, have you tried shimming your DE89? That might be your most economical option to gain a little more aggressiveness.
The slant bar (37C or 39C) may be an option. Similar in handling to the 34C but more efficient. A cut above the EJ89 (forgive the pun)
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