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newly acquired Gillette super adjustible, having problems

I just picked up a 1978 Gillette super adjustable. It was badly gummed up, had to work everything loose. Finally got the adjustment knob to rotate and it will open and close but has a problem of not opening wide like my super speed or slim, I have to hold the bottom or it will drop a bit and close the doors to the point where a blade cannot be loaded. once open I can actually pull on the bottom and it will separate from the rest of the handle and close the doors.

Is there something I can do to this to make it open wider or is this one just broke?

I will post pictures in the morning since I forgot to take some before heading to work.
Here is the razor fully open but the bottom of handle dropped from the rest of handle

Here is the razor fully opened with my finger hold the bottom against the rest of handle.

Here is the razor fully open compared to my flare tip ss and slim.

Here is the razor with the bottom of the handle pulled away the rest of the handle, the razor was twisted opened.

the razor seems to function fine as is, but want to get a expert's opinion, or someone that stayed a holiday inn last night.
Can this model be re-crimped to keep the rod from dropping? If so, that is simpler than disassembly. http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...O-knob-on-Gillette-slim?p=4596220#post4596220 discusses this fix, as does http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/329976-Help-needed-with-a-Gillette-Aristocrat and http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/79803-Milord-with-problem?p=1047328#post1047328. Folks have re-crimped using everything from a custom-made tool to a butter knife.

If disassembly is needed, http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/151721-Gillette-Super-Adjustable-repair might help too.
The recrimping may not be an option because the aluminum isn't as malleable as brass. There was another 'fix' around here in a thread somewhere. The guy used some kind of wire wrapped around the groove in the inner piece.
The wire trick was in my next-to-last link: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/79803-Milord-with-problem?p=1047328#post1047328

The worn out locking ring problem is easily fixed. Take some electrical wire that has a diameter that's a little larger than the locking ring (plastic coated wire please). Wrap it around the locking ring. Now, wrap the handle in tape or cloth - something to protect the handle. With a pliers, gently squeeze the electrical wire around the handle. Basically squeeze then rotate the handle, squeeze and rotate... keep doing that until you've squeezed all the way around the handle. This will compress the locking ring enough to hold the TTO knob in place.

Disclaimer: Do this at you own risk. I'm not responsible if you trash your razor. I would recommend practicing on a razor that you wouldn't mind destroying.
Well I tried the butter knife method, didn't fix the problem but created a small pin hole in the groove o_O Iam going to leave it alone and just use it.
The aluminum alloy is brittle and won't re-form like the brass-handled razors will. The problem is for sure a worn crimp, causing the knob to drop. It is not anything "wrong" with the center rod, and disassembly will not fix it.

The good news is that the razor, while a bit inconvenient, is still quite shaveable. Super Adjustables are great shavers . . . enjoy!
Well I won another super adjustable. It's a 1973 and looks to be the shorter handle.

I used the long handle today, paired with Gillette 7 o'clock black super platinum. Had a nice shave with it. Very odd to use something with such a long handle.
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