I wish I had a Pound (or a dollar for that matter) for the number of times this sort of scenario has occurred:
'Hi Dave
I've just bought an xxxxxxx razor and I just don't think it's sharp enough'
'Hi There,
Send it on through, many new razors can be improved upon by hand-honing etc...'
Time passes, razor is (often just lightly) honed and sent back'
'Hi Dave,
I still can't get a good shave, the razor still isn't sharp enough etc..'
'Hi There,
Are you quite new to straight razor shaving by any chance? ...'
'Hi Dave,
Why, yes, how did you guess?...'
I usually tell the story of my own early experiences and taking around 3 months before achieving a half decent shave. In most cases the user gets back to me after a month or so and lets me know that that all of their razors were indeed sharp, it was their technique that was faulty. As for the others, I hope they didn't give up.
One guy sent me around a dozen razors including Dovo, Thiers Issard, Revisor - all were 'not sharp enough'
In actual fact, most just needed a light dressing, nothing more.
Technique guys, its all about learning to shave.
'Hi Dave
I've just bought an xxxxxxx razor and I just don't think it's sharp enough'
'Hi There,
Send it on through, many new razors can be improved upon by hand-honing etc...'
Time passes, razor is (often just lightly) honed and sent back'
'Hi Dave,
I still can't get a good shave, the razor still isn't sharp enough etc..'
'Hi There,
Are you quite new to straight razor shaving by any chance? ...'
'Hi Dave,
Why, yes, how did you guess?...'
I usually tell the story of my own early experiences and taking around 3 months before achieving a half decent shave. In most cases the user gets back to me after a month or so and lets me know that that all of their razors were indeed sharp, it was their technique that was faulty. As for the others, I hope they didn't give up.
One guy sent me around a dozen razors including Dovo, Thiers Issard, Revisor - all were 'not sharp enough'
In actual fact, most just needed a light dressing, nothing more.
Technique guys, its all about learning to shave.