Good I am debating taking the plunge into the world of straight edge razor shaving. I got into safety razors about 6 months ago and couldnt be happier. Now I would like to try my first straight edge. So many questions though.... Firstly...I bought a dovo that has the disposable blades just to see if I would even like it. Clearly I need some more experience as I have only used it twice and of course was nicked several times. I have a feeling it was the a combination of being new and also the fact that the safety razor blade thats placed into the dovo has extremely sharp seemed that I only nicked myself on the ends of the blade. So here are some of my questions. Would a rounded blade be a smarter option for me? What exatly does 5/8,6/8 and 7/8 mean when it comes to the blade? I have a thicker whisker...and from what I was reading on here should I stay away from the full hollow blades? I was debating looking at getting a Singing blade but someone metnioned that they are great blades but for a thicker beard they may not be the best option?! Also...any recommendations of where to shop for some razors? Ive only really found any on Amazon and they seem to really only have Dovos for options. While Ive read that they are fine blades... I would like to see what other options are out there. Any advice/help is greatly appreciated!