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Newbie soap recommendation

Hey guys so I just ordered some mama bear shaving soap but I'm wanting to try a couple different ones what are your recommendations for some good soaps
D.R. Harris soaps are excellent! You just need to decide what scent you would like to try first. And there is no real need to pay double to get it in their wooden bowl - unless you really like their wooden bowls like I do!
Just about any RazoRock soap will be easy to get started with. Te classic may be the easiest to lather of the dozens I have tried.
You'll find such varying opinions here, but most will recommend to try samples before spending the cash on one soap (which may last you at times 7+ months or so depending), without trying others. Mike's natural soaps (google it) offers samples around $1 and most other big names do similar things.
Ya I have vdh it came with a brush and bowl from Walmart it's decent just having trouble really getting lathering down
Ya I have vdh it came with a brush and bowl from Walmart it's decent just having trouble really getting lathering down

Mama Bear is a great place to start - among the easiest lathering soaps I've used. The trick to lathering any soap, as I have learned, is using enough water and working the brush on the soap long enough to pick up enough soap. I started using Marco's method some time ago and have never looked back. I have found this method works great not only with Italian soft soaps, but pretty much any soap. It may seem a little messy at first, but it works. Enough water + enough soap = great lather! Try it with any of the excellent soap recommendations you are getting in this thread and you are on your way. Marco's method: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/199887-My-lathering-technique-with-Italian-soft-soaps
Col. Conk Amber, Lime and Almond.
Der Vergulde Hand
Dr. Selbys (labeled as a cream, but its hard like a soap)
Arko (puck)
Shaving Factory

These are in my top rotation as far as soaps go. These are all pretty easy to find, none of them will break the bank either.
Well, unless you're face lathering (IMO). I have found that too wet isn't good for face lathering unless you have time to clean up the bathroom. But then this would start a new thread....wouldn't it? :wink2: I use a drier brush for face lathering.

As they say, YMMV. I face lather exclusively. When using Marco's method, you start with a lot of water, but after working the puck sufficiently, you wind up with a lot of soap too, which creates just the right ratio of water to soap. That's the way it works for me, anyway.
There are so many great soaps, and half the fun of
wetshaving is exploring them. For a newbie, I think something easy to use and that gives consistently good results is aa good idea. Mama Bear was an excellent choice. I have about a dozen soaps that I use, but here are the ones I have used that I think would be great for beginners:

Razorock (artisan and la familigia)
DR Harris
Petal Pusher Fancies

Good luck
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Strop shoppe

Both super easy to get great amounts of great lather.

Mikes is great but a little trickier to lather. Strop shoppe does take a while to ship their soaps. I've read of resellers who are faster. Another great, easy soap is speick. Only available as a stick, but if you don't like it as a stick (I don't) you can cut it up or grate it into a container or bowl or ramiken.
RazoRock's Fresco is maybe the most "automatic" latherer I've tried outside of MdC. It's good, too. I like a bunch of things more, but they're less latherable for beginners and/or (usually and) noticeably more pricey.

EDIT: the Fresco says on it "shaving cream soap"; I'm not sure the technicalities that make it a soap, but it really is the consistency of a cream.

The various TFS soaps (some of which are carried as re-labeled RazoRocks) also are near-automatic latherers.
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