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Newbie seeking advise on blades pic

I am a new safety wet shaver have a Muhle r89 razor and have been using the merker blades. I am 2 shaves into my last merker blade. I have purchased a sample pack and was seeking advise on which blades would be next to the merker? Could u please rate these in terms or sharpness or aggressiveness? Would like to build up starting with least aggressive towards the most.

Thank You

From the least aggressive to the most, IMO:

1) Silver Blue
2) Astra SP and SS and Shark
3) Merkur
4) 7 o'clock
5) Feather

I personally think that the best blade (especially for a beginner) out of these is Silver Blue. It's sharp but mild/smooth. Sharp doesn't mean aggressive, rough and unforgiving means aggressive.
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In my opinion:

1) Astra SS , Shark SS
2) Astra SP
3) Silver Blue ( never used one so ranked according to other's)
3) 7 o'clock SS
4) Feather

Astra Superior Platinum and Feather are my favourite. I like Gillette 7O'Clock Super Stainless very much. Astra SS and Shark SS are rough and not sharp enough for me.
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I do not believe that blades can be classified as aggresive or not. Blades are sharp or dull. You have a nice collection of blades there. I'd suggest trying the Astras next.
An Astra SP is the first blade I used, I hated the merkurs, but if you've been getting good shaves out of the merkurs you should be able to get a good shave out of any of them. But I'd definitelty save the gilette 7 o'clocks and then finally feathers for last. They are the sharpest. But that's only if you feel that your technique is lacking, and would like to really nail it before you use a devilishly sharp blade.

Most likely you coud use any blade right now and be fine, just with a sharper blade, make sure you're very deliberate and slow with the shave.

Good luck and happy shaving!
I'm convinced the Astra SPs are the best beginner blades because they are sharp but smooth and seem to be almost universally liked (and mostly loved). If you had everyone on this site rank every known blade from best to worst, it seems ASP would earn the highest overall ranking.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
The only blade I constantly read about causing copious amounts of blood with newbies is the Feather. I would save those for last.
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