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Newbie Questions on Vintage Gillette DEs

Hello All -

I am a new member to this site, however I have been reading it for a while. I have been using DE for a few years now. I started out with a plastic handled Wilkinson that I purchased while visiting Ireland. When it broke I bought a new Merkur Classic (28C?).

I am now interested in trying a vintage Gillete (really would love to be able to find my late father's but I believe that it is gone). Through chance (on another forum...not shaving related) there was a thread about wet shaving. I have been offered a Gillette red-tip with case (everything looks pretty good from the pics) for $50 shipped. I was wondering if that is a good deal or is that too high and I should just keep looking.

Also, along the lines of the red-tip, I know that it is a superspeed but is this along the same lines that others talk about when they just refer to them as SS?

One last question, from reading a lot of the threads, I am considering also picking up a "Tech" as many say that they are really nice. What exactly is a "Tech"?

And sorry if these are lame newbie questions.




Use the Fat, Luke!
There were many different versions of the Gilette Super Speed. A Red Tip is one of the more aggressive ones. That is far too high a price to pay for one, unless it's in mint-condition (which I doubt). They should cost in the neighborhood of $20-$30.

A red tip is an awesome razor. Good feedback, but you have to be a bit careful around your adam's apple or you could cut yourself something awful. I love my red tips.

You might want to consider a different SS. My favorite is the undated SS, manufactured in the late 1940s. It's much more forgiving than a RT, and is an almost-as-close shave.

I have not tried a tech yet, but know that it is an extremely forgiving shaver. I cannot comment on it, but I would go with an undated Gilette.

Post in the WTB forum...

Hello All -

I am a new member to this site, however I have been reading it for a while. I have been using DE for a few years now. I started out with a plastic handled Wilkinson that I purchased while visiting Ireland. When it broke I bought a new Merkur Classic (28C?).

I am now interested in trying a vintage Gillete (really would love to be able to find my late father's but I believe that it is gone). Through chance (on another forum...not shaving related) there was a thread about wet shaving. I have been offered a Gillette red-tip with case (everything looks pretty good from the pics) for $50 shipped. I was wondering if that is a good deal or is that too high and I should just keep looking.

Also, along the lines of the red-tip, I know that it is a superspeed but is this along the same lines that others talk about when they just refer to them as SS?

One last question, from reading a lot of the threads, I am considering also picking up a "Tech" as many say that they are really nice. What exactly is a "Tech"?

And sorry if these are lame newbie questions.


the Techs are great. I like them because they're lightweight and easy on the face. the fat handle Techs are my favorite but the ball-handle Tech is equally as good. but if you're in need of a slightly more aggressive razor then the red tip is the one to get.

Unless you really want to jump in in a big way, $50 is a lot to spend on your first DE razor. The advice in previous posts is good. You should be able to buy perfectly usable DE razors, either Superspeeds or Techs, for a lot less. Keep looking on the Buy/Sell/Trade (B/S/T) forum here, and I'm sure you'll see one soon. They often sell for $20 or less.

Good luck,

Love the Techs, a gentle shaver, but performs differently according to whatever blade you are using. 50.. is way to high, check the B/S/T
I'm always skeptical when ever I see a "Mint" red-tip for sale, my brain always wonders if the paint was touched up...

IF it is true then $50 is about right, however you can find a shave quality one on ebay for about $10-15 shipped IF you're patient.

Try our B/S/T forum, theres usually one for sale around $20-28 shipped, $20 being shave grade $28 being near mint quality.

Watch the prices on B/S/T for a while to give you an idea what SS razors (of different types) go for. The 40's SS is a good starter and cheap. Red tips are generally more expensive but may not be an ideal learner razor. Whatever you buy, you will probably end up buying more in your quest for the perfect shave (which is why many of us are here in the first place) but at the end of the day, you wont go wrong buying a vintage Gillette of any description
Bear in mind that "with case" does tend to drive the asking price up a bit. If having the case is a positive thing for you (for display purposes, for instance) be aware that you're probably paying an extra $5 - $10 for that privelege, in the case of Super Speeds. Also be aware that such cases are generally somewhat fragile in their advanced age and not helpful as travel cases.

A Super Speed is a twist to open (TTO) razor, which allows you to twist the knob at the end of the handle to open it and replace the blade.

The Tech models are "3 piece" razors that you disassemble to replace the blade. This makes them very slightly more awkward to use when changing the blade but, in turn, less expensive to purchase and simpler than TTO razors.

Asylum Guido has a Super Speed identification guide as well as a Guide to 3-Piece Gillettes to help you sort through some of these.

- Chris


B&B membership has its percs
Concur with the others that $50 is high, unless it is truly mint in a mint case with instructions and correct original blades. The Red Tip is a good albeit aggressive razor I think if you have a tough beard. Certainly the most aggressive of the SS's, or Superspeeds


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Welcome to B&B Dave!

I agree with the above, I think you can find a red tip with a case for cheaper on this forum. Either post a "Want to Buy" thread in the "WTB - Want to Buy" section of this forum or have a look at the "Buy/Sell/Trade" section of this forum. I am sure you will find something.

A Gillette Tech is a 3 piece razor that is usually mild. It's one of the best starting point when you start this hobby. Again, you should be able to get one from the B/S/T section. They are usually very cheap.

While you look for a razor, I would recommend getting a razor blade sample pack so you can experiement and find the best blade for you. WestCoast Shaving has good sample packs...

Other than that? Mantic' shaving videos: http://www.youtube.com/mantic59

Post as many questions as you want, don't worry about it!
I have been DE shaving for a few years, does that still make me a newbie/learner? I shave my face daily and my had almost every day (yes with a DE too...call me crazy).

A very generous member on this site has offered to send me a red tip (PIF - pass it forward?) to try out. So I am very grateful. What a way to be welcomed to a site!

As far as blades go, I have found that I really like Feathers but they are not that readily available in stores. I had purchased a couple of varieties when I purchased my Merkur (classicshaving.com). Already realized that Personnas are not for me. I think I am working on a package of Wilkinson currently but running out.

I have attached a couple of pics of the Red tip that I was talking about purchasing prior to the generous offer.
that razor looks great, mate

Not really, I see water spots on the top and bottom of the head with potential brassing to come in the near future.

Plus I don't see inside the head...

Theres a nick of paint missing that I can see

Wrong Blades

Its not worth more than $40 honestly if that, and its no-where near "Mint" it would qualify as between "Near-Mint" and "Excellent".

it should look like this

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I have been offered a Gillette red-tip with case (everything looks pretty good from the pics) for $50 shipped. I was wondering if that is a good deal or is that too high and I should just keep looking.

Also, along the lines of the red-tip, I know that it is a superspeed but is this along the same lines that others talk about when they just refer to them as SS?

One last question, from reading a lot of the threads, I am considering also picking up a "Tech" as many say that they are really nice. What exactly is a "Tech"?


Not lame at all, Dave. First, I think 50 might be a little high for the red tip, even in very good condition. Just my thoughts, though. Buy what you like. 20 to 30 should be more like it. I bought mine for closer to 10 at an antique store.

There are many, many superspeeds (SS) over many years. The ShaveWiki has a great link devoted to outlining the dates and characteristics of the supers and other DE's.

Finally, the Tech is a 3 piece (not a twist-to-open) Gillette with a fat handle, a more gentle shaver than the red-tip, and it might be a great shaver for those new to wet shaving.

Good luck,
You are definitely getting lots of good advice here. $50 is way too much for a Red tip such as that IMNO (In my newbie opinion) and I'd shoot for something else that you could get for MUCH cheaper and would still be a great shaver.

My first Superspeed was only 8$ shipped on these forums, and that thing is my current Go-To razor. That is an especially good deal, but you would have no problem finding a nice Superspeed or Tech for 15-20 bucks tops.
First off thanks for all of the opinions and welcomes and for the generous offer that a fellow member made to me of sending me a red tip.

I went to an antique show this morning and I made sure that i was there when it opened. I went to several booths and found a Valet Auto Strop, which isn't what I am looking for and actually my Mom had found one a while back along with an ever-ready brush and gave them both to me. Anyways, after a little searching and some asking one lady said that she had one but couldn't locate it. They looked around and had put it away. When she pulled it out I immediately recognized it as a red tip. She handed it to me, it looks in good condition (not mint or anything but it has history). I asked how much and she said $5. So I purchased it and told her that this was the exact one I was looking for and that she made my day. Not bad for $2 admission and 15 minutes of my time so far.

I continued looking around while I was there anyway and found another booth that had a razor in a plastic case. The top of the case reads Gillette Rocket One-piece razor. I opened up the case and there were three razors in it. The price was $8.50.

I haven't looked up the date codes or models yet and have to run to get to my golf tournament. I just wanted to share the excitement of the finds.

Let me know how I did.


I think you did very well, Dave! The first razor you pictured looks like a Canadian Rocket. The handle needs a good scrub. How is the underside of the head, where brassing frequently occurs? Is there a letter-number date code under there?

The red tip appears fairly clean. a soak and a cleaning with an old toothbrush should remove the gunk in the handle's grooves.

The fat-handled Tech is in need of the most cleaning, but is also the easiest of the four to clean because of its simple design.

The small razor is an older open comb Tech with a travel handle. The handle may be aluminum.

By the way, I think your $50 razor offer is not a great deal, but not unacceptable, either. That razor looks very good in the photos, as does the box. Those boxes are not as strong as the earlier red versions, and the lids are prone to crazing, often covered with hundreds of thin, light cracks. Your lid is not pictured. If it's free of crazing, I would consider it at that price. Of course, now that you have a red tip to try, you can decide if it's right for you and worth the higher price for one in a box.
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The last, short handled razor is a Frankenrazor. It's an old style head mated to a latter part of the century Travel Tech handle. It's ok, just a very short handle. Chances are, the original handle for the head split and fell apart at some point, so a transplant took place.

- Chris
Trying to determine the date of each of these.

From what I can see so far

Super Speed Red-tip - C2 - 2nd quarter of 1957
Fat handle Tech - K4 - 4th quarter of 1965
Canadian Rocket - W2 - 2nd quarter of 1951
Short handle Tech (open comb) - No date code just says Gillette - Made in Canada.

Can anyone confirm these for me?


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