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I put this here because I wasn't sure to put it in the soap section of the cream section. I would like to know the difference between shaving soaps and creams. Also if how soon would you change blades to find one that you really like I have tried three different ones. One each day and i notice a difference in each blade. So should i try a blade longer even if it causes my face to feel on fire after i am done. thanks for the information in advance i have been ready a lot but there is so much information and not exactly what i wanted to know so it is easier to ask
Concerning the blades, it might be useful to know how long each lasts before setting your face on fire. Some might be a shave or two, some might be a dozen shaves. You'd want to know that.
First, Welcome to B&B.

You can go to the wiki section and find out more than you wanted to know about soaps and creams. See http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/index.php/Shave_Soaps and http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/index.php/Shave_Creams

Keep in mind it is usually technique - not the blade - that usually sets your face on fire. Always keep in mind blade angle, preparation, and NO PRESSURE. One thing you have to be careful with DE shaving is to make sure you are not putting any pressure on the blade. Let the weight of the razor do the work. To assure this I use two fingers and my thumb to hold the razor very lightly. I hold it as lightly as I can without it falling from my hand. If you do that, you will get a good shave.

If you are 100% on all three, then change blades.
Soap is usually less expensive, and MAY be harder to lather (a lot depends on your water hardness). Creams OFTEN have a richer scent.

I see no need to continue testing a blade if it results in razor burn. There ARE a lot of variables though. It would help if you told us, have you found a blade that worked? If so, we might be able to suggest others that are similar, or slightly sharper/less sharp.
Welcome to the good ship B&B. Take a stroll on the promenade deck and enjoy the voyage. :thumbup1:

Always remember, relax but be vigilant when you shave!

P.S. +1 on comment to provide more blade information. It will help along with any other information (soap, cream, etc.).
I put this here because I wasn't sure to put it in the soap section of the cream section. I would like to know the difference between shaving soaps and creams. Also if how soon would you change blades to find one that you really like I have tried three different ones. One each day and i notice a difference in each blade. So should i try a blade longer even if it causes my face to feel on fire after i am done. thanks for the information in advance i have been ready a lot but there is so much information and not exactly what i wanted to know so it is easier to ask

You might find a cream easier to lather initially, although they and soaps all have the same basic ingredients....you might find that you prefer soaps that contain tallow or a particularly rich and fragrant cream.
If you've only had 3 shaves (with 3 different blades) you might find it easier on your face to use the one brand that has felt least bad so far, and keep with that one brand for a while (try a week) to give your technique a chance.

What's your current set-up (razor, blades, soap/cream, brush)?
I Bought a starter set from classicshaving.com i got a Merkur 38C "Barber Pole" Hefty Long Handled Classic and Silvertip shave set, i also got a sampler set of blades from the internet that had merkur platinum that shaved alright, treet classic that felt like it was pulling the hairs out no matter what angle or how much lather i had on my face, derby it was a ok shave, shark felt the best so far, also had dorco, sharp, I have a bar of soap from classicshaving that came with the set
I Bought a starter set from classicshaving.com i got a Merkur 38C "Barber Pole" Hefty Long Handled Classic and Silvertip shave set, i also got a sampler set of blades from the internet that had merkur platinum that shaved alright, treet classic that felt like it was pulling the hairs out no matter what angle or how much lather i had on my face, derby it was a ok shave, shark felt the best so far, also had dorco, sharp, I have a bar of soap from classicshaving that came with the set

If you like the Shark blades the best so far, try them for a while (change blade when you feel it tugging/dragging). You might find things go a bit smoother if you use a cream (easier to lather consistently) for a little while...try Real Shaving Co's cream should be easy to find at Rite Aid if you're in US. Merkurs are pretty popular razors here, so take things slowly and gently, no pressure and watch your angle...remember you're aiming for "beard reduction" rather than an instant BBS! :blushing: It's better to have a comfortable "Socially Acceptable Shave" than risk razor burn and irritation from too many passes.
If you like the Shark blades the best so far, try them for a while (change blade when you feel it tugging/dragging). You might find things go a bit smoother if you use a cream (easier to lather consistently) for a little while...try Real Shaving Co's cream should be easy to find at Rite Aid if you're in US. Merkurs are pretty popular razors here, so take things slowly and gently, no pressure and watch your angle...remember you're aiming for "beard reduction" rather than an instant BBS! :blushing: It's better to have a comfortable "Socially Acceptable Shave" than risk razor burn and irritation from too many passes.

I agree you should stick with the sharks for a while to get your technique down a bit. Otherwise your going to have a difficult time knowing if its you or the blade. Also the classic shaving soap doesn't get a lot of love around here. I like it, but it doesn't tolerate hard water at all. If your lather doesn't stay nice throughout your shave you may want to consider an easy lathering cream. Lather, technique, and blade can all have an effect on your shave and it can be frustrating trying to sort it all out at first. If your happy with the lather than keep on with the sharks and CS, if not don't make things more difficult than they need to be by trying to get lather out of it.
Welcome to B&B!! I wouldn't give up on a blade after only one shave. I tend to get the best shave out of my blades on day 2-3 (YMMV). Pressure is a huge factor. I remember hear it put as use no pressure and then use a little less.:lol: I typical hold my razor at the very tip so as not to only allow the weight hold the razor to my face.
Best of luck!
In my experience, creams are much easier to lather and give a thick cushion. Soaps, on the other hand, can be harder to lather up, but you are rewarded with a slick and protective lather. Just my 0.02
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