As the tittle says, I am just about to start and therefore need to order a beginner strop. I have done a lot of reading and realise I should get something cheap as I am likely to nick it. I see that the Fily from Ruprazor or a practice stop that you can order with a tony miller are good options. The only problem is that I live in the UK and shipping is expensive. E.g. $14 shipping for the $20 Filly! I think I would like to get a tony miller but want to make sure I'm going to stick with it before forking out for the 3" Latigo which I have heard is fantastic. I am aware that Tony Miller used to make a $30 practice/travel strop but has cut back on a lot of his runs. What do you think the chances of me getting either this discontinued strop of the filly on the BST - should I just put a WTB up. I havn't seen many strops on the BST. What are my other options?