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Newbie looking for end caps?

I just received my first vintage Gillette. It's a F2 flare tip. Really great shape. However, it doesn't have end caps. I wasn't cheated the guy selling it was upfront about the missing end caps. I was hoping maybe some of you know where to get the end caps. The flea markets and antique stores in my area don't have ANY DE razors.
I don't believe the flare ever came with an end cap. It should be open to access the screw. I have a couple of SS's and my flare doesn't have an end cap.

*also it should be open to allow drainage.
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Just now figured out how to post a pic. I may be wrong, I thought the end caps went on the sides of the head. Well at least you guys can see what I have.
From your picture nothing seems to be amiss. What you have there is a darn fine razor. :thumbup:

Welcome to B&B! Shave on brother!
If you want to replace the end caps you will have to keep an eye out for a parts razor. But it might be easier to find a similar superspeed with the endcaps. I would just clean off the old solder and use it as it.
If you want to replace the end caps you will have to keep an eye out for a parts razor. But it might be easier to find a similar superspeed with the endcaps. I would just clean off the old solder and use it as it.

Me too.

I think they look pretty cool without the end caps. More Transformer-y.
I see what you mean now... I guess mine do have the end caps. I thought you were talking about the end of the handle HAHA:a6:
Should have end caps but not having them should not affect how it shaves. Maybe you can find a beat up one at a garage sale or antique store or flea market? I don't know how they were affixed however. I have a Diplomat without end caps and was contemplating getting it replated even without the end caps. Might look interesting.

send a pm to Krona Kruiser, maybe he has some spare parts.
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That Flare Tip is missing its end cap indeed, but its easier to just get another Flare Tip from ebay then trying to fix a replacement....in the meantime, enjoy the razor, it shouldn't affect its performance one bit.
Welcome to B&B, Chris!

End caps were soldered on prior to plating. They are mostly decorative, but do help keep the doors lifting together instead of one ahead of the other. As to the effect on the shave, it is zero.

If you can find a beat up razor with nice end caps you are in business. Otherwise, you will be sacrificing a good razor to fix yours. Removing end caps from a donor razor with heat will discolor the plating, and resoldering them on your razor will certainly kill the finish. Clear marine-grade epoxy can also be used, but you still have to get the donor end caps off without bending them or discoloring them.

Since solid and intact Super Speeds can still be found for less than $20, just keep your eyes open for one in better cosmetic shape. You will then have the old one for a spare, or for travel. Get too many extra razors and you will be just like the rest of us anyway. I have used SS without end caps for PIFs to my friends who want to try vintage gear.
Thanks for the info. I think I will leave it alone. It's in such good shape I would hate to do damage over cosmetics. I had my first shave with it this am. So far I'm happy.
Huh? What? Could someone post an example? This razor appears to be fine the way it is... Maybe I've never seen one with the end caps?

EDIT: I think I answered my own question. :blush:
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