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Newbie and adjusteble razors

I started wet shaving around Christmas last year so I have less than one moth experience.

I have tried Merkur, Derby and Feather blades in a Merkur classic open razor. Lather is made with Williams and Tweezerman badger brush.

My technique is getting better, less nick and burns every time, still getting burns the first shave with Feathers. Also having problems with under the chin and neck.

I really like Feathers, the first shave with a new blade gives me burns, so I was thinking a adjustable razor would make it easier.

Should a newbie like my self try a adjustable razor this early in the game?
The recommendation against an Adjustable for newbies, is usually because the temptation to play around with the adjustment settings is too great, and thus a newbie will hurt themselves by using the razor at too aggressive of a setting.

If you can resist temptation, and just set the razor @3 or 4, and leave it alone you will be fine (assuming it's a Gillette Adjustable; a Merkur adjustable at it's mildest setting is still pretty aggressive).

On the other hand, the general recommendation is to use the same setup for at least a month, to limit variables as you learn technique, so you might be best served to continue on with your current razor for a little while longer.
+1 on the general advice, but I would set a Gillette adjustable at no more than 3. Perhaps, even at 1 or two. Makes it like starting with a Gillette Tech. Otherwise, I agree. I went from a Tech to a Fat Boy and set the FB at 2 and made the transition easily.
We started at about the same time. My only razor is a 1966 adjustable slim.
I started on #3 but found it didn't give an acceptable shave with 2 passes so I moved up to #4 after a week and have been there ever since. I find it interesting that I dont' seem plagued by razor burn, nicks or cuts "knock on wood". I have only used Williams soap and CVS blades and never a problem. I wonder if either of those have anything to do with it or if it's because I dry shaved at work for so long or perhaps the adjustable.
My advice is stick with what you've got until your sure your technique is down. I'm closing in on a bbs shave and not looking to change a thing.
I started with a Merkur Progress a few months ago. While I do agree that "another" variable in the mix is possibly complicating. the ability to adjust the blade gap for me has been really helpful. With feathers, for instance, too aggressive and I got razor burn - the only time since I switched to DE. But dialed back a notch I get a great shave. Conversely, with Crystals at the same adjustment that I got burnt with the feathers, I get a great shave. So there's more to "dial-in" (forgive the pun) but I'm getting better shaves as I learn the quirks of various blades. And, had I not had the ability to adjust - I would have discarded either the Crystals or Feathers as too aggressive or too mild when in fact I can get great shaves with either but the razor has to be adjusted accordingly.
I wouldn't go with a adjustable, I'd just go with a Tech or a blue tip

If you want something more aggressive, try a red tip.

You can get both of these on the cheap side.
+1 on the general advice, but I would set a Gillette adjustable at no more than 3. Perhaps, even at 1 or two.

My Slim is usually left @3. At that setting to my face, it feels maybe slightly more aggressive than the Gillette Tech I use frequently. It feels very similar to me. I get great shaves with it set @3, so I find no need to fiddle with it. :tongue_sm
My Slim is usually left @3. At that setting to my face, it feels maybe slightly more aggressive than the Gillette Tech I use frequently. It feels very similar to me. I get great shaves with it set @3, so I find no need to fiddle with it. :tongue_sm

This morning's shave was with a Slim that I bought yesterday and cleaned up. I used a IP Red and thought "what the heck, I'll go 3 on it". One one the best shaves of my life! Now almost 12 hours later, I am still BBS for the most part.

I agree with it being a little early to change to a adjustable. After all I am getting better and better with my current razor. Since Feathers are the only blade that gives me consistent burns I think it might be too aggressive in my Merkur Classic. So I'll use the Feather till it gets dulll, and then try another, perhaps Dorco.
I think my technique pretty advanced at this time and I still cannot get too fancy with my neck. ATG just leaves me with lots of razor burn with whatever combo of blade/shaver/adjustment setting I chose.
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