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NEW with Ball End Handle

Question for the NEW experts.

I know the "Comman Bar Handle NEW" seems to the the most common variety but what about the NEW with an Old Type ball end handle?

Was this an even more common variety made out of existing Old Type parts and given away like the Goodwill?

Thanks for any answers.
I have both the common bar handle and the old type ball end handles with the long tooth New gillettes. From my understanding, the older handle design tended to crack due to stress fatigue, something which Gillette improved upon in the newer common bar handle.

The old type handle invariabely has at least one crack in the handle from what I have seen on these boards.

In fact mine came loose at the top when I was cleaning it once and put it in hot water. Some epoxy and its back in place.


Question for the NEW experts.

I know the "Comman Bar Handle NEW" seems to the the most common variety but what about the NEW with an Old Type ball end handle?

Was this an even more common variety made out of existing Old Type parts and given away like the Goodwill?

Thanks for any answers.
Those are the same two NEW's I have also :001_smile I had figured they were the most common types.

I wonder if we need to now look at the handle as "common" bar handle in retrospect !!:laugh:

They did a good job with the handles though, I have 2 old type handles (brownie and new), both have cracks and epoxied and 3 common bar handles, as good as new - no visible signs of stress or cracks !
I have one ball handled long comb NEW (with pat. dates on the handle), 3 fat handles and 2 thin handles, various combs and a couple of them not too pretty.


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