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New wicked blade coming my way (Ali's Blade)

So a few months ago I decided to get my own bespoke straight razor.
My experience with DEs made me want to get the best I could afford and no industrial blade appealed me that much so I had no other choice, right ? :001_tongu
I am French and wanted it to be French made so I chose to have Cédric (Ali's Blade) make one for me.
We first talked about my wishes and I discovered that it was just a matter of choice. I could have asked nearly anything and that felt good to honest.
No limits, no pressure. Just choices and a few months wait wait (+ some money too I have to admit :biggrin:)
I first wanted it to match my Plisson HMW #18 brush with blond horn but then after some trials and talking to Cédric, I changed my mind regarding the scales and I discovered M3 Mokume gane. That's a first for Cédric too !
The blade is the exact one I wanted : Damas steel, 8/8 or above and the T-Rex shape.
Mutual feedback and friendly communication made the wait easier than I had anticipated.
The result is even beyond my expectations.
Great experience all the way, I now can't wait to put my hands on it and shave with it. It is just days away now. Damn holidays ! :cursing:

Ali's Blade 9/8 T-Rex
Damas steel from Achim Wirtz
(polished from spine to tang + around the hole)

M3 Mokume Gane Lapis Burl scales
Carbon Fiber spacer


This is the second Ali's Blade that I now proudly own. I got the first one second hand a few months ago.
This new one might drive me away from vintage blades after all... Who knows...

Happy coincidence, my long awaited Zulu Grey finishing hone is on its way too. This must be a good week shaving wise for me

P.S.: pictures show the non honed blade and the pivot screws are now recessed into the scales. Little touches here but that makes it a real custom...
Ahh yes I know how it feels to have something made just the way you want it. And the cost too..... That is a very nice razor and you have set the bar very high for any future acquisitions too...:scared: Good luck with that! Very very nice razor , I hope you enjoy her!
I'm glad I did not look at the original post in this thread. Otherwise, I'm sure I would have been filled with razor lust and envy.
You know, I've never been really scared of using a straight. But if I eyed down that thing in the morning, I think I'd opt for a beard.
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