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New TSD Wheat Shaving Cream and TSD Shaving Soap

First let me talk about the scent, feel and presentation of the product. On all three I would a 10, although the color of the soap I would give a seven. The only reason for that is light gray color, which reminds me more of a clay mask.


I had ordered a soap and wheat cream in Sandalwood for myself, and for my wife Vesna, the Violet Patchouli. Her being a hippy at heart, I thought she may like it.

Once opening the containers the products smell as strong that one would expect of AoS or other higher priced prodcuts. The TSD Sandalwood has that manly Sandalwood cologne scent. It is everything I had wished that the Proraso could have been. Hands down, my favorite Sandalwood scent to date.

I cannot tell you how much I love the smell of the Violet Patchouli. I am normally not a fan of Patchouli at all, but wow, this stuff smells like the way I wish all women would. It is clean, fresh, base of Violet with a hint of Patchouli, yet you still notice the musk, amber and far east floral undertones.

I love the Violet Patchouli so much I myself my shave with it on the weekends just so I can smell my own skin!!! Although if I use it Monday through Friday, people may think "wow, what is that guy doing to get his woman all up into him like that"

The texture of the Wheat Shaving Cream is somewhere between extra thick twice strained Greek yogurt and lard. The feeling between your fingers is very silky and smooth. The soap feels slick, but the color again was grayish. I do not know if this was due to the heat melting on the travel from Virginia to Illinois, or due Ito the amount of clay that is within the soap.


I started my routine the way I always do. I allowed my brush to soak on ice water, shook it out and loaded it with about 10 swirls in the TSD soap. I next placed a larger amount of the Wheat cream in my bowl than I normally would, about the size of two nickels stacked on top of each other.

Since the cream was so thick, I started to first work the brush into an up and down fashion. The first thing in my head was "oh crap" as it appeared to be very airy and bubbly with some big chunks of cream that did not seem to want to break up.

I continued with the up and down motion for another 30 seconds or so before I started swirling and whipping the lather. After about a two minutes of working this stuff it just exploded. My bowl was literally over following with this thick, rich, luxurious lather that was just bursting with a strong sandalwood scent. I was ready to shave.

I had started with the FaTip but my face was in too rough of shape from the Gillette Fusion goo, so I switched to a my 1965 Gillette Tech Head loaded onto the Sabi T3 handle.

I loaded with a SuperMax Super Platinum, as that is my "go to blade" and off I went. Three passes on face, about five passes on my neck (it is a tech after all), rinsed, alum rub and I was done.


I smelled so good I did not want to use any after shave. I had enough lather left that I decided to use it the shower. I now smell like man from head to toe.

JoAnna has a customer for life. I hope that she does not hate me after I place my next order, as it make take her a month to make it all. I have found my scent, my soap and cream, and maybe soon my aftershave, milk and witch hazel.

If I could kiss JoAnna over the interwebs I would. I love this product, I cannot say enough good things about it.
This morning I had only dabbed the tips of my brush into the cream, did a partial swirl, just enough to make the tips white. The picture below was only after about a minute, but I wanted to get in a picture and uploaded before leaving to work. You should have seen the bowl after I was done. The sandalwood mixed with the English Leather sure makes for a nice clean scent. Even my assistant made a comment on how good I smell this morning, I am pretty sure she is dying to touch my face.

That looks pretty nice and creamy!! How does the smell compare to other Sandalwood creams you've tried?? I know everyone has a favorite Sandalwood scent.....my is AoS....it is the standard by which I judge all others....and a gorgeous cream to boot...
I have been very curious about The Shave Den (TSD) Wheat Shaving Cream made with Wheat Germ Oil. I read many reviews about how great it was and some have compared it to a much loved but discontinued Proraso Wheat Germ Shaving Cream that came in a Red and White Tube. The price is only $8.99 and you can choose the scent (Fragrance) and you can also add menthol if that is something you enjoy. Daniel does this shave cream provide any moisturizing benefits? Here is the link for those that might be interested in trying this shave cream. http://www.theshavedenshop.com click on Shave Cream under the Shop by Category list that is at the left of the page. Then scroll down to the very bottom of the page and you should see the TSD Wheat Shaving Cream.
stop. say that again please... s.l.o.w.l.y :scared:

I like to Ice water shave...here the link to a thread I had done on it: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/296046-My-cold-water-lather-building-shave-routine

I have been very curious about The Shave Den (TSD) Wheat Shaving Cream made with Wheat Germ Oil. I read many reviews about how great it was and some have compared it to a much loved but discontinued Proraso Wheat Germ Shaving Cream that came in a Red and White Tube. The price is only $8.99 and you can choose the scent (Fragrance) and you can also add menthol if that is something you enjoy. Daniel does this shave cream provide any moisturizing benefits? Here is the link for those that might be interested in trying this shave cream. http://www.theshavedenshop.com click on Shave Cream under the Shop by Category list that is at the left of the page. Then scroll down to the very bottom of the page and you should see the TSD Wheat Shaving Cream.

It is very much like the old Proraso Red Tube, only with the scent selection, you have tons of choices.

With the amount of sheep juice (lanolin) that is within this, I would say yes, it does provide a nice amount of moisturizing. I was telling JoAnna that I ttalk about this soap so much, including to my non-wet shaving buddies, people are going to think I am a shill, LOL.

My wife loves it so much that she wants for to order her more plus some other scents to try.

The cream is very heavily scented, so if you do not like a heavy scented cream, I would go with the unscented. I personally love for any scented cream to have a lot of fragrance, and these two sure do, as the aroma of the soap just fills the bathroom while shaving.

I know that I keep repeating myself, but the TSD Sandalwood is everything that I has wished the new Prosaso would have been.
Wow Daniel that is quite and endorsement and I will put this on my purchase list. I wish that the Shave Soap and Shave Cream Post were combined together as I think many who post over on the shave soap side never come here. The Proraso Wheat Germ Shave Cream was so popular and the TSD Wheat Germ Cream is every bit as good if not better according to everything I read I am pretty sure if more new about the TSD Wheat Germ Shave Cream that JoAnna would be covered up in orders.
I have been thinking about pulling the trigger on some of JoAnna's creams. Your not making this easy Daniel. :biggrin1:

I was just about to pull the trigger after checking out some of those really cool sounding scents... but then the $7 shipping on an $8.99 product totally killed the sale for me. Oh well!

I think going into this with the frame of mind that it's a $15.99 product with free shipping will be the best approach... ADs will find a way :lol:
I was just about to pull the trigger after checking out some of those really cool sounding scents... but then the $7 shipping on an $8.99 product totally killed the sale for me. Oh well!

I think going into this with the frame of mind that it's a $15.99 product with free shipping will be the best approach... ADs will find a way :lol:[/QUOTE

Send an email to JoAnna as like many other vendors from Mystic Water to QCS you see a high price for shipping to only have some of the money refunded once it is actually shipped and the true cost is applied.
I was refunded $3.84 out of $10.00, so $6.16 to ship 2 day priority for 4 products is not bad at all.
I was refunded $3.84 out of $10.00, so $6.16 to ship 2 day priority for 4 products is not bad at all.

Really? did you ask for the discount, or did she offer it?? That's not bad !

Oh...you don't shut up about this....this is all you've talked about since it came in.....the calls are "dude...did I tll you about aboyut my shave today...I had to switch to a tech just so I could enjoy more passes"

Think about that!! I preach using more efficient razors to reduce passes and irritation....and here you go and use a really mild razor just because you love the smell so much!! LOL

I Only know one other thing you talk about more.....and well.....discussing Heintz 57 probably wouldn't be proper in this thread....LOL!!
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