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New Toy: Feather SS with teak scales

Hi everyone,

I'm a big fan of all feather and KAI razors that use the feather and KAI blades. So I treated myself to a new Feather SS with teak scales (thanks to Telly aka TstebinsB on the forum). I have owned a SS more then a year ago but didn't like the plastic scales and sold it on BST.

I read on the forum that for 2012 they changed the head of the razor somewhat, that might be, couldn't compare.

I really love the beauty of the scales!


Length closed is 15,5 cm (6,1 inch)


Weight of the razor 51 grams (1,8 ounce)


The back is closed except for two small openings, the wood scales are more then deep enough, even with the biggest blade loaded it does not come in contact with the wood. Only disadvantage of these scales, you need to dry them carefully if you want to use the razor for many years to come.


Length open 22,5 cm (8,86 inch)

I used some antique soap (Gibb's) with a shavemac D01 brush to face (and head) lather, blade was a new Feather Super Professional

Shaving my face I did 2 passes (WTG-ATG) and got a nice clean shave. This razor is much more forgiving then the other Feather (RG,DX) razors and would be recommended for someone that wants to try one of the Feather razors. That being said I really prefer my other feather razors to this SS for my face. They are somewhat more aggressive and maybe because I'm so used to them they give me a even better shave. The RG and DX versions however seem to give some people problems with cuts and nicks (just be careful, no pressure, it's all technique and muscle memory, everyone can do it). It's not that big of a difference in the shave but difficult to describe. To give you a idea this SS gives me the same shave as a Cobra Classic with a feather blade, where as the RG and DX are (IMO) just a little better.

On to the head shave: This was where the SS excelled!! Wow, I always get a BBS shave with one pass on my head with my other feather/kai razors but with this one the shave was MUCH faster, I think you would really have to go sideways during the stroke to cut yourself with the SS. Very long strokes ATG on the front of the head, WTG on the back of the neck. Clear!

Quality of the razor seems very good, loading a blade is very simple and I believe that the spring inside will be just as reliable as with the other versions (I have opened and closed them hundreds of times without a problem). Tip: After every shave turn the blade around so the full length of the blade gets used. I always clean the blade under hot water and give it a wipe with a cloth to remove any residue. For those on a tight budget it's possible to use the blades for a long time (I get about 15 shaves out of one without resorting to this). Just use a strop with diamant paste on it or some lapping film to touch up the blade.

I think I'll keep this one especially for head shaving. Now if they would only make some Feather SS or DX non folding with teak scales .....

Over the last year my collection of DE's and straights has decreased significantly and my collection of Feather and KAI's has grown. I just kept 7 excellent straights, and 3 safety razors (2 DE's and a Cobra Classic). Personally the Feather system gives me the greatest results and pleasure in shaving and that's what's all about isn't it?

Have a nice shave, Ron
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I have that exact razor but with black plastic scales and I love it. I looked allover for one with wood scales but couldnt find it even advertised. The green and pink scales came out a few weeks aftr I bought my black one, so no big deal...but I want the wood scales! Where do you find it and for how much?!!!:drool: I don't know if I can justify buyinh another one but it does look beautiful.
Sounds like the SS would be a good transition into the Feather straights - great shaves with a little less blood - then move on to the DX models.
The head does look a little different to my SS model. It looks more like the head on my Kai Captain I think (going from memory here!).

Weirdly, the Feather Japanese website doesn't even show that model, although it's available on Amazon Japan

Now that you mention it, I compared it to my KAI Captain and it looks more like that.

About it not being shown on the Feather website, that's good, we want to keep it a bit exclusive :biggrin1:

@InkEd If you read the first two lines of my post you'll get your answer (sorry don't want to advertise anything)

Just enjoyed my second face and head shave with it. It was very good.
My Japanese is a bit rusty. So... are these teak scales real wood, or is this like the AC DX models where it's 'ebony/teak'? Just curious if the handle can be sterilized or not.

These razors are outstanding shavers. Feather really did well when they went all stainless, and scalloped/shrunk the head from the original AC DX/RG models. Much less likely to 'stick' to your face, and really improves the maneuverability.

Nice tip on turning the blade around as well OP.
My Japanese is a bit rusty. So... are these teak scales real wood, or is this like the AC DX models where it's 'ebony/teak'? Just curious if the handle can be sterilized or not.

These razors are outstanding shavers. Feather really did well when they went all stainless, and scalloped/shrunk the head from the original AC DX/RG models. Much less likely to 'stick' to your face, and really improves the maneuverability.

The scales are Teak, so it's real wood.Have to agree on maneuverability and not sticking to the face like the RG and DX models do. I still like the DX better (it's closer to a straight razor IMO), after some testing I'm going to let this SS with teak scales go. It's beautiful and should serve someone who wants to try the feather range but is afraid of getting cut.
The scales are Teak, so it's real wood.Have to agree on maneuverability and not sticking to the face like the RG and DX models do. I still like the DX better (it's closer to a straight razor IMO), after some testing I'm going to let this SS with teak scales go. It's beautiful and should serve someone who wants to try the feather range but is afraid of getting cut.

YMMV and all that - I actually prefer the SS to the DX/RG models - I find they allow me to shave using the same motions as a straight, where the DX/RG make me shave their way.
Thank you for the information on the scale materials.
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