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New Tobacco Purchase


Well, here she is! My lot of recent purchases. I have been putting together a list of must-try tobaccos for mostly an English lover, and this is what i came up with. So how did I do? Anything missing?
That's the first one I tried, a very easy and enjoyable smoke. Unfortunately I am feeling a bit under the weather so no more smoking for me at the moment.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
View attachment 306998

Well, here she is! My lot of recent purchases. I have been putting together a list of must-try tobaccos for mostly an English lover, and this is what i came up with. So how did I do? Anything missing?

IMO, very good. Squadron Leader, Frog Morton, and Nightcap are all excellent in my book. Unfortunately, HOTW confirmed for me that I don't care for perique (my other experience was SG St. James Flake). The jury is still out on my opinion of straight Virginias- guess I will try some Mellow Mallard tonight.
Very nice haul. I enjoy the English varieties quite a bit. Can't go wrong with HOTW, I also like the McClelland Dark Engish Full. I've had a couple bowls of Squadron Leader and it seems like the first one was better than the second..I guess I'll have to see what the 3rd has in store!

Soon as the tax money comes in I'll place another large order for the cellar.
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