Hello all! Just a quick note to let all those folks who may be on the fence about getting a Feather AS-D2, it is definitely worth it! I received mine in a trade last week and it is my new favorite razor (over the Weber polished, Tradere SB, Muhle R89, ATT Titan M1, Superspeed, Tech, Fatboy, etc.) I didn't think anything would beat out the Weber polished stainless but this one does, I think. SUPER smooth, no irritation...and still get a BBS on the face and nearly so on the neck just as I did with the Weber. This one is about a 9.5/10 where the the Weber was an easy 8.5-9/10. I may not be buying any new razors for a loooong time. And honestly, I thought I wanted a new brush, but my Kent BK4 is pretty much doing everything I need it to. Not to worry, it will make SWMBO happier I guess and I have lots of other things to spend $$$ on too. Just a friendly warning, those of you who like a little milder (but not ineffective) razor, this one may cure one of RAD. Just sayin.